Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thomas Dalton responds to Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis (4)

I. Introductions
II. Documents and Numbers
III. Policy

IV. Techno-babble and Conclusions

On to item (9) of Mr. "Dalton"’s response, first paragraph:

(9) Finally, an important point that did not come up is the alleged gassing and body disposal at the 3 Reinhardt camps (Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka). This is a huge problem for traditionalism, and Ricardo, in particular, has gone to outrageous lengths to construct explanations. For example, he says that the carbon monoxide source was gasoline engines, not diesels (to get around the troubling fact that all experts today mention diesels, despite the fact that they produce far too little carbon monoxide gas!). But this fails because (a) the leading witness for gasoline, Reder, explicitly stated that the exhaust gas was “evacuated…directly into the open air, not the gas chamber”!, (b) the Nazis would certainly have tried to use ‘producer gas’ systems, which are not engines at all, but rather small furnace units that produce high amounts of CO—but not a single witness mentions this, and (c) numerous witnesses describe the victims as ‘blue’, but CO poisoning results in a distinctive red or pink coloration, not blue; it could not have been missed.

Thomas Dalton responds to Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis (3)

I. Introductions
II. Documents and Numbers
IV. Techno-babble and Conclusions

Before I move to the next part of my comments about Mr. "Dalton"'s response to Andrew Mathis and me following our radio conversation with Kevin Barrett on American Freedom Radio, I shall publish what my fellow interviewee Andrew Mathis has to say about item (4) of said response, which was discussed in my previous blog.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thomas Dalton responds to Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis (2)

I. Introductions
III. Policy
IV. Techno-babble and Conclusions

II. Documents and Numbers

In his response to Andrew Mathis and me following our radio conversation with Kevin Barrett on American Freedom Radio, "Revisionist" author "Thomas Dalton" writes:

(3) On the Korherr report, it is true that I do not address it in my book Debating the Holocaust. This is because it is, in my estimation, an insignificant and inconclusive matter in the overall debate. The report was not secret, and nothing in it points to mass killing of Jews. It does, however, talk about mass evacuations, which were indeed occurring at that time (early 1943). And there are internal contradictions, in that the conclusions do not follow from the statistics, which suggests either significant error or ulterior motives of some kind. Finally, Korherr himself stated in 1977 that the “special treatment” cited in the report referred to “Jews who were to be resettled,” not killed.

Thomas Dalton responds to Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis (1)

In my previous blog, I mentioned an upcoming response to Andrew's and my statements during our radio conversation with Kevin Barrett on 24 April 2010, the record of which is available on Kevin Barrett's AFR page.

Said response has meanwhile been posted on Kevin's blog under the title Thomas Dalton responds to Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis. In this and the following blogs I shall respond to Mr. "Dalton"’s statements.

The response shall be divided into the following parts, each part corresponding to one blog:

I. Introductions - items (1) and (2) of Mr. "Dalton"'s response
II. Documents and Numbers - items (3), (4), (5) and (6)
III. Policy - items (7) and (8)
IV. Techno-babble and Conclusions - item (9)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Interviews on American Freedom Radio

Yesterday between 17 and 19 hours local time, Kevin Barrett interviewed "Revisionist" author "Thomas Dalton" and then Andrew Mathis and me on America Freedom Radio. The record of these interviews is available on Kevin Barrett's page on AFR.

Updates on More Smear & Bitching

Update 1: See my RODOH posts 12163, 12164 and 12165

Update 2: Mr. Lisciotto's characteristic reaction [screenshot].

Question of the day: could it be that renowned Holocaust researcher Chris Webb doesn't know that his associate is barking mad? (That will cause said associate to put together another smear blog and/or a litany of fake comments on the current one, stay tuned.)

Update 3: See my RODOH posts 12189, 12190 and 12191.

Smear-blog-toting coward Carmelo Lisciotto is so predictable ...

More smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 1)

More smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 2)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 2)

More smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 1)

In his post of Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:34 am, occasional CODOH poster "Karl Radl" produced the following smear:

More smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 1)

Kevin Barrett's invitation to a radio debate with Mr. "Dalton" launched some bitching fish-wives on the CODOH Cesspit into an instructive festival of mendacious insinuations, paranoid and somewhat-less-than dishonest suspicions and downright lies about my humble person. In the following I shall have a look at these lowly characters' deplorable utterances, one by one.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An invitation to Mr. "Thomas Dalton"

Somewhere in the CODOH Cesspit, as I was just informed, one finds the claim of one Kevin Barret whereby he invited me to a debate with one of my minor customers (minor because I consider him essentially a parrot of more capable "Revisionist" charlatans like Carlo Mattogno, who I accordingly dedicate more attention to), Mr. "Thomas Dalton".

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Update on the mentally unbalanced HSRDB freak ...

I'm glad to see that I still figure prominently in the poor creature's nightmares, judging by the latest update of his smear site [screenshot 1] [screenshot 2] (screenshots of an earlier version see here).

And he's stupid enough to out himself as the author of this smear site, as this screenshot shows.

Update, 20.04.2010 17:51 GMT: The freak sent mail.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Goebbels on liquidation

On 27 March 1942, Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels wrote into his diary one of the most explicit recorded references to the Nazi genocide of the Jews.