Tuesday, November 14, 2006

H.E.A.R.T. defenders and their methods (cont.)

"In response" to my posting about the H.E.A.R.T. defenders and their methods, one of the culprits ("Robert James Jones JR.") posted the following links:



Again, these need no comment, but I'll just copy the contents in case the culprit decides to delete them.
Read more!
How to Infiltrate and Destroy Holocaust Websites and Destroy the Jewish Conspiracy!

To my many ardent fans on the Internet and most especially my Blogger fans.

Most of you know of me from my infamous exploits infiltrating Pro-Holocaust Websites and Web Groups, and for my never-ending battle against Yad Vashem and the Jewish Conspiracy.

My good friends David Irving and my associate Nick Terry have spent many years disgusing ourselves as Holocaust sympathizers. We've lured in suspected Jews and Jewish controlled groups by playing ourselves as Anti-Revisionists and fighters of denial when nothing could be further from the truth.

Nick Terry has especially played a key role in bringing down the Jews and the jew controlled media. His work at Colleges in London where's he's played the role of Historian have lent legitimacy to our effort and helped us gain secret access to the most secretive of plans that the Jewish conspirators have hatched.

We promise all of you that we will continue our work against the Jews and their allies, we will attack anyone who protects the Jews and their filthy lies.

We ask for your support in David Irvings great mission, his website can be found here: www.fpp.co.uk

David has been a true inspiration for Nick Terry and for myself.

Thank you and keep up the fight against the Jewish Conspiracy. End the Holo-Hoax!

Sergey Romanov
Jew Hater and Destroyer of Anything Pro-Holocaust

Posted by Sergey Romanov at 8:10 AM



The Holohoax and Jews Still Controlling the World!

Hey everyone,

In between spending our time infiltrating holocaust websites and posting slander and filth on our many blogs, one of our key revisionist blogs being http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com ,
this is the blog where we pretend to be debunking denier sites, it's really fun suckering in these Jews and their supporters, it also makes a great tool to convince the Zionists, and Holohoaxers that we are really on thier side and believe in there fake claims about the holocaust.

Everyone knows the holocaust never happend it's all a pack of lies, David Irving is a hero to our cause.

Nick Terry and Sergey Romanov

Posted by Sergey Romanov at 7:42 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
How to Infiltrate and Destroy Holocaust Websites and Destroy the Jewish Conspiracy!

To my many ardent fans on the Internet and most especially my Blogger fans.

Most of you know of me from my infamous exploits infiltrating Pro-Holocaust Websites and Web Groups, and for my never-ending battle against Yad Vashem and the Jewish Conspiracy.

My good friends David Irving and my associate Nick Terry have spent many years disgusing ourselves as Holocaust sympathizers. We've lured in suspected Jews and Jewish controlled groups by playing ourselves as Anti-Revisionists and fighters of denial when nothing could be further from the truth.

Nick Terry has especially played a key role in bringing down the Jews and the jew controlled media. His work at Colleges in London where's he's played the role of Historian have lent legitimacy to our effort and helped us gain secret access to the most secretive of plans that the Jewish conspirators have hatched.

We promise all of you that we will continue our work against the Jews and their allies, we will attack anyone who protects the Jews and their filthy lies.

We ask for your support in David Irvings great mission, his website can be found here: www.fpp.co.uk

David has been a true inspiration for Nick Terry and for myself.

Thank you and keep up the fight against the Jewish Conspiracy. End the Holo-Hoax!

Sergey Romanov
Jew Hater and Destroyer of Anything Pro-Holocaust

Posted by Sergey Romanov at 8:10 AM 0 comments


Tuesday, November 14, 2006
End the Zionist Lies

The Jews are the evil of the world!

Posted by Sergey Romanov at 7:52 AM 0 commentsTuesday, November 14, 2006
End the Zionist Lies

The Jews are the evil of the world!

Posted by Sergey Romanov at 7:52 AM 0 comments


Once again you can see Carmelo Lisciotto's "fingerprints". The fingerprints of H.E.A.R.T.S's representative. Make up your mind about the credibilitiy of www.HolocaustResearchProject.org.

Update: the profile of the impersonator is at http://beta.blogger.com/profile/18230340736316856245

On Blogger Since November 2006

Sergey Romanov
About Me
I hate Jews and HoloHoaxers
Jew Hating
Blog Name Team Members
Nick & Sergey proving the Holocaust never happened
How to defeat Pro-Holocaust Groups
End the Jewish Lies

1 comment:

  1. Sergey,

    You should complain to Blogger. This person is obviously trying to impersonate you. Blogger runs in the U.S., and according to U.S. law, sites intended to annoy or harass you must be posted by the person under their REAL NAME.



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