Saturday, November 18, 2006

Another One Bites the Dust

Note to readers: Hurry up and read this, because the denier in question here is likely to erase his posts. Take screenshots if you're able.

Friedrich Paul Berg, probably most famous among the anti-deniers for his remarks to Dr. Danny Keren of the Holocaust History Project that the "Nazis and SS were the good guys" during WWII.

So much for that "we're not deniers" crap and the other "a terrible tragedy befell the Jews of Europe, but not mass murder" garbage that Berg et al. spew.

Anyway, if you look at this RODOH thread that began on the topic of producer gas as an alternative to the CO sources at the Reinhard(t) camps and Zyklon-B, you'll see Fritz Berg make a blunder of epic proportions. Debating our own Nick Terry, Berg is told that "KTI chemists helped out, as you surely should know by now," by Nick.

Berg responds, "Who are KTI chemists?"

[[insert sound of crickets chirping, followed by immense laughter]]

Nick replies, "You realise you just destroyed any credibility you might have had on the subject of CO gassings by the Nazis in WWII by saying this."

Fritz won't admit his blunder and, yes, the thread is polluted by remarks by me to Berg about his having posted my parents' address in Usenet a year or so ago, but the "biggest expert on CO gassings" in the world just shot himself in the foot with a sawed-off shotgun.

Today was a good day...


  1. Imagine if Mattogno didn't know what 'ZBL' meant ;-)

  2. Just in case someone would wish to misrepresent Fritz Berg's boo-boo in the future:

    "Friedrich Paul Berg
    Posts: 36
    (11/18/06 0:46)


    "Friedrich Paul Berg
    Posts: 39
    (11/18/06 1:06)

    My--oh my! KTI is Kriminaltechnisches Institut. And, I didn't know that.

    So what!


  3. These clowns are diverting folks from real scholarship.

    Say, Why did the Nazis select the Jews for persecution and why did that spiral into the holocaust?

  4. NICK said:

    << Berg responds, "Who are KTI chemists?"

    And he was fishing for your point...

    ...which is still lame, btw.

    The notion that Rube Goldberg gaschambers were not bogus because "KTI chemists" supposedly worked on the problem is another specious Holoclaim.

    It's ultimately a circular argument.

    Berg's point about the Rube Goldberg, and even absurd, nature of these supposedly ad hoc and amateur Nazi gassings is still valid; indeed, if anything, it shows that IF the Holoclaims were true, then NO technical expertise was brought to bear at all--which is laughable if this was really a Hitler directive, as claimed.

    Saying that Professors Fiddler & Funk of the Fuddler & Fink Technical Institute endorsed phrenology (or gaschamber tommyrot) does not make it scientifically grounded, let alone true.

    Plus, Berg is an interested amateur with a solid engineering background, not a Holostudies academic. Thus, he may not know the latest in Holostudies phrenology--even if the significance of something merited attention regarding his thesis, which has not been shown.


  5. "Plus, Berg is an interested amateur with a solid engineering background, not a Holostudies academic. Thus, he may not know the latest in Holostudies phrenology--even if the significance of something merited attention regarding his thesis, which has not been shown."

    Cut the crap, Scott. KTI chemists were referred to explicitly in Matthias Beer's 1987 article on the development of the gas vans. And before and after this date many a time. I would say the chances that Berg has avoided Beer's article while perusing alt.rev or Nizkor are.... nil.

    That's just one source. KTI chemists advised on the use of CO for the EUTHANASIA program, carried out gassing experiments for NEBE at MOGILEV, developed the GAS VANS and one even went out to BELZEC as a consultant, but his advice wasn't needed.

  6. "The notion that Rube Goldberg gaschambers were not bogus because "KTI chemists" supposedly worked on the problem is another specious Holoclaim. It's ultimately a circular argument."

    No, the circular argument is yours. Enough already with the 'no true Scotsman', Germans were wonderful engineers fallacies.

  7. and stop licking Berg's arse. It's embarrassing.



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