Saturday, October 05, 2024

Lampshades and shrunken heads: an update

Somebody has called our attention to some relatively new items at the website of the Buchenwald Memorial, namely, a dossier about the artefacts allegedly made from human bodies.

Some notable new information:

- a small lampshade, thought to have been a fake for decades (after a forensic test claimed it could not have been made from human skin) has been retested in 2023 and was proven to have been produced from human skin after all;

- a piece of the lampshade in Pister's office has been found and ordered to be tested, the results are pending (our previous conclusion was that it's unlikely to be human skin, but the test results can refute it, of course);

- some barely known shrunken head imitation has finally been shown to be a fake in 2023 (this has nothing to do with the original shrunken heads found in Buchenwald, of course);

- a pocket knife case alleged to have been made from human skin has been ordered to be tested, with results pending;

- three tattooed skin pieces were tested, with the expert concluding two of them were of human origin, the third probably not (possibly pig skin), albeit the Memorial disagrees with the latter conclusion since this piece is also documented to have come from the camp pathology department; and indeed, pigs don't have tattoos in the first place.

The article "Nazi shrunken heads, human skin lampshades, human soap, textiles from human hair? Sorting out the truth from the legends" has been updated accordingly.


  1. Thanks for the great work you and your fellows do on this site Sergey. I commend you all

  2. Have you any plans to debunk the ludicrous site?

    1. Most of the arguments on there are ripped from Mattogno so the Auschwitz denial is really just irrelevant. I had a dispute with the owner of the site on X and showed her the shitty misconception of the 300kg capacity lift in Krema2 (she thought it was the maximum when it’s the minimum capacity) and she was like “look! holocaustians have nothing to say about the stupid gassing process!”

      There’s definitely some new arguments on that site that need to be refuted though. But she’s not hard to take care of whatsoever

    2. Particularly the Majdanek and Treblinka articles have me concerned, since there’s no refutations on here that I could find. But it’s easy to tell she’s kind of a dunce.

    3. Yeah she’s really not doing much new but I think part of my wanting to refute her is mainly due to her white supremacist views but also in a small way cause she published my email on X (after I’d emailed her asking why she believes the debunked claims of MGK, codoh etc) Which in turn led to a bunch of Neo - Nazis to send me emails asking me for proof of mass graves, gas chambers etc. I responded to them with refutations from this site and then they basically said I’d go to hell for defending the Jews (I’m an atheist btw).

      I still think she should be debunked by this site and I still think she does present a concern as many naïve young ppl might see that site and immediately believe it to be true.

    4. Roberto Muehlenkamp posted some evidence of mass graves at Sobibor on his Youtube channel i believe. They always just move the goalposts and say “well yeah those were the people that died to typhus”
      As for gas chambers i’m pretty sure there’s some inventory report evidence on phdn but i haven’t really tested that against deniers to see what their rebuttal is.

      And of course, her rebuttal is just posting it on X and letting her minions do the job. Jake Shields and all those twats always do the same thing. It’s a nuisance to have an actual debate with these people because they’re just rude savages who think you’re a spawn of satan because you don’t deny the Holocaust

    5. Yeah once I saw she published my email on X I asked her the old:

      “If you think Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek were transit camps where Jews were fed, cleaned and sent east, could you give me the name of any Jewish person who was transited through Treblinka, sent east and returned to their homes after the war”

      To my knowledge there’s been no reply thus far

    6. Yeah good luck with that. She’s probably gonna name some random Holocaust survivor who was at Treblinka or any of those other camps

    7. Yeah I know, its annoying. That's why I think this blog needs to address that site and debunk it before it becomes more mainstream on X.

    8. "In 2001 Holocaust Controversies released a book that was meant to debunk Mattogno’s work. In the spirit of Holocaust revisionism Mattogno did not let the challenge go uncontested. His response was over 1000 pages and to my knowledge has not received a counter-response from Holocaust Controversies." -

      I swear the blog did an article all about how ridiculous Mattogno's counter book was. What a ludicrous woman

    9. Did they not respond though? I’m pretty sure all Mattogno did was accuse them of plagiarism and dismiss like every other major point made

    10. Yeah the blog responded here

      I sent this her on her website and she said "oh but this was published in 2013 and the latest update of the book was 2015"

      On the bright side, I've seen her being corrected by loads of actual history by a couple of good souls on X over the past couple of days

    11. The fact that she's risen to prominence in the Neo-Nazi X sphere is probably cause of this

    12. I remember my dispute with her on X. Someone was sending links from that site and I was like she has really 0 credibility because of that shitty mistake about minimum/maximum capacity.

      She then posts my tweet and is like “lmao holocaust affirmers have NOTHING to say about the ridiculous gassing process”

      you absolute dunce, do you know what minimum is?

    13. Also the irony, she attempted to criticize some guy’s refutation of Rudolf by saying “his actual repsonse was 700 words because of fluff”

      Meanwhile she goes off of a guy who is notorious even among other deniers for talking too much and not being concise

    14. Oh yeah the article you sent doesn’t actually refute the book it’s just an update regarding where they’re at in refuting it, it just criticizes the incessant logical fallacies and lack of conciseness

    15. Yeah she's really dumb with her arguments, like even on her site she posts stuff that has been refuted time and time again e.g. Elie Wiesel, Mattogno on Auschwitz etc. But she probably doesn't want to hear it, I mean what do you expect from the wife of an Infamous White Supremacist

      >> Oh yeah the article you sent doesn’t actually refute the book it’s just an update regarding where they’re at in refuting it, it just criticizes the incessant logical fallacies and lack of conciseness

      Its still a more convincing case for actual historical events than Mattogno's supposed revisionist refutation imo

    16. Some new information related, directly to volume of pyre ashes (including pyre ash) per a person and indirectly to wood requered. Looks like archaeologic investigation of ashes of Polish resistance members killed and burnt on pyre in Chojnice in 1945 confirms Muehlenkamp's calculation.
      In Chojnice three pits filled by pyre ashes were found - one bigger pit with area 9 m2 and depth 60 cm and two each with area 2 m2 and depth at most 40 cm. So 7 m3 of pyre ashes.
      In the pits also one ton of burnt bones was discovered.,Zakonczono-prace-ekshumacyjne-gdanskiego-pionu-sledczego-IPN-i-bieglych-z-Fundac.html
      Average weight of skeleton of adult human after complete cremation is roughly 2.5 kg. Average weight of non-burnt skeleton of an adult human delivered from cemetery after decomposition is 3.32 kg.
      This mean that the 7 m3 of pyre ashes (including fuel ash) are result of incinerarion of 300-400 adult people, so 0.0175-0.0234 m3 per an adult person.
      Volume of pyre ashes (again including fuel ashes), but now taking into account that large part of victims were children, suggested by:
      Mattogno - 0.042 m3 per a person (25,300 m3 from 600,000 people);
      Muehlenkamp - 0.01173 to 0.02 m3 per a person (5,093 to 8,667 m3 from 434,000 people).
      Mattogno assumed average weight of bodies 45 kg and of wood per a body 160 kg, Muehlenkamp 35 kg and 35-70 kg.

    17. Interesting, another W for anti revisionism

    18. Also i just remembered on X when I was having this debate with some other guy citing .claims as his source, I disproved them with some links from HC

      He deletes his tweets and this is when that witch from (don’t mean for the irrelevant insults but seriously look at her profile picture jesus christ) comes into the argument. She proceeds to say “the guy deletes his tweets, that’s a win for revisionism” even though it was the denier himself that deletes it

    19. 1st comment - Another L for the deniers as per freaking usual

      2nd comment - I think witch is the right term for who she is. Once I discovered who she was and investigated her a little further she seems like the most hateful bigoted person you could ever hope to meet. As of a few hours ago there were a couple of based X people fighting back against her which you love to see.

      Side Point - Also has anyone here heard of a youtube channel called Zoomer Historian? He's one of those who believes Churchill was responsible for WW2, that 250,000 were killed during the Dresden bombings and he made a vid on the SS without talking about, y'know, the many war crimes they perpetrated. His main sources come from Irving unsurprisingly

    20. Zoomer Historian got destroyed past the point of return by this guy
      To my knowledge he hasn’t even responded. I will give it to him that the war wasn’t solely Germany’s fault, that is a common misconception unfortunately, but of course it was majority their fault. But the narrative that the Germans were fully power hungry evil disgusting animals who wanted to conquer the world and murder all non-aryans is a little blown out of proportion. They were evil though.

      Irving is deemed pretty much useless and outdated now. I’m pretty sure he even quit revisionism and said he admits gas chambers existed but i don’t know how true that is. He’s old and sick now and to my knowledge he just moved on to the whole “germans weren’t as evil as DA JOOZ say they were innit”

      Any woman that denies the Holocaust is a literal witch. The Nazis are notorious among feminist crowds not for the obvious mass murder but for pushing incessant traditional family values and promoting women working in the kitchen. If she supports that I suggest she gets off the computer and Mattagno books and goes to cook her husband some food.

      BTW, can you send me the link to the X thread of people refuting her? Much appreciated

    21. Yeah I've seen the destroying vid. Its a masterpiece. And he didn't respond but people on Telegram now hate the debunkers guts. But hey, that's telegram for you.

      As far as Irving is concerned apparently he's now hooked up to a computer and hasn't got that long to live probably, no severe loss there.

      The two X accounts refuting her are - Word Salad Ratings
      And - Thames Darwin

      I believe its still ongoing but I might be wrong

    22. Its under her (The witch's) post about the Kremer diaries

    23. Also according to that article I saw about her she likes the fact she's a housewife and I think she's been fully indoctrinated to the point that that's the only thing she believes matters in being a 'Good wife'

      Probably being a housewife means she has nothing to do rather than help her fascist husband with his radio and go on the internet reading Mattogno. Its a shame she remains in her echo chamber and get her husbands neo-nazi goons to go after people who, y'know, actually believe History

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. Nice I'll check it out. And yeah they really are.

    26. Just saw your response. Pretty based my dude. Also I didn't know Roberto Muehlenkamp had a yt channel. I really like his work on the blog. Lmk if the deniers got back to you

    27. Definitely got back to me. Pretty obnoxious so far, the witch responded to me attempting to disprove the pyre photographs with some Mattogno assumptions based on what is obviously a limited view.

      Another guy claimed to have visited Auschwitz and didn’t know it was split into 3 camps each for different purposes.

    28. LOL. She blocked me. How precious.

      I was talking to another guy about why there’s such specific documentation of the camps and i said i “pray to g-d” (because im jewish i don’t write his full name)

      She replies with the most atrocious ad hom i’ve seen in my entire life “can’t even spell god can’t have an honest discussion with holocaust affirmers” and I try to respond, check her profile and i’m blocked.

      There’s a few others guys beefing but they’re not really worth my time. Might respond but I don’t really feel like it.

    29. Damn. What a snowflake. Just shows how these people are when you show them their arguments can’t stand up to the real truth. Well good job just for trying. Maybe the witch and her Neo Nazi husband will realise the truth one day, but I doubt it. It’s a shame they have kids they’re gonna indoctrinate with so much of this virulent hatred.

    30. She has a husband? Someone married her?

      I think it might be that Mike Peinovich, a cowriter on the blog. But she refers to him mostly as a friend so i don’t know

    31. Holy fuck, if it is Mike Enoch, she’s a Jew. Please G-d, let it be true that she’s Mike Enoch’s wife it would be the funniest shit ever

    32. Yeah she is currently married to Enoch, but I think he divorced his Jewish wife and married her recently.

      I found the above article when I was trying to find out who she was. It basically tells you all you need to know about her. The site also has a bit on Penovitch’s ‘National Justice Party’ which has a tiny section on his wife’s ‘Holocaust revisionist site’

      Also ‘Enoch’ aka Penovitch is half Serbian so by Nazi race laws wouldn't that mean he’s genetically inferior? Didn’t the Nazi allied Croatians try to kill a lot of Serbs?

    33. Nazi apologists are usually under the impression that they weren’t racist and actually just loved everyone, so he probably doesn’t care

    34. I mean Nazi apologists truly are the dumbest people. Like you see some on the comments of YouTube or Instagram saying "He tried to warn us" or the Voltaire quote about criticism to basically say Jews run the world. Like that is some of the dumbest shit. And then you have people who don't deny the Holocaust, but instead DEFEND it. Like how mentally ill do you have to be to think that.

      I'm glad that people were actively debunking the claims of the Witch and others on X. Idk if it's still ongoing but like I say, Neo-Nazis will never miss an opportunity to show you how dumb and misinformed they are.

      I wish Penovitch and his Mattogno-fangirl wife nothing but the worst.

  3. Also (last comment i swear) Have you seen this hilarious vid

  4. Finn M brought this up in another comment but you guys should definitely address that site, particularly the Alleged Gas Chambers at Treblinka and Majdanek articles. I see it being brought up on X a lot now as it’s becoming more mainstream.

    All i know is that a good chunk of her articles are ripped from others like Denierbud and Mattogno so it shouldn’t be too hard to address

    1. Well, seeing as she blocked me on X i don’t see necessary anymore

    2. Just checked the X tweets, you did a great job and those followers of her showed how dumb they are. Even a 10 year old knows there were three camps at Auschwitz. Also there was that other “Melissa” acc that stepped in every so often which I’m pretty sure is the witch considering her real name is Melissa but I could be wrong. Also I still think this blog needs to do a debunking of the witch but maybe as part of larger refuting contemporary twitter and instagram denialism cause it’s quite rampant

    3. I'm curious to know if she genuinely believes Mattogno, Graf, Rudolf etc or if she's just lying about the Holocaust to be hateful

    4. Melissa is a different person. Significantly dumber than the witch so I doubt it’s her.

      Also most twitter denialism is just shitty entry level “wooden doors” “red cross” nonsense that was debunked by Sergey in the twitter denial thing.

      Tbh, I can see why people would believe Mattogno Graf or Rudolf if they don’t do any extra research on the rebuttals

    5. I tried to counter a Instagram Holocaust Denier by telling them to go to this blog site and he said "I'm not going on a site run by the ADL and the Jews" like these people are seriously bad at listening. They just want to fuel their neo-Nazi theories rather that seeing the actual truth e.g. this site.

      God, sometimes I worry for this generation

    6. And now the witch is blocking a bunch of people because she's tired of having "Honest conversations with dishonest Jews"

    7. I was being honest and peaceful AF in that conversation. I was correcting myself, apologizing for fallacies and was just debating peacefully.

      She on the other hand… blocks me and accuses me of being dishonest because I didn’t type out the word God

    8. Honestly I just stopped citing this site. Too many dumb shits like that who refuse to open the link because they know their shitty lies are about to be refuted. I’ll just sum up the response and give them the source that the blog gives? Plagiarism? Maybe, but in my defense it’s for the greater good

    9. Honestly this blog is such a good educational resource, more people should know about it. Its good for debunking just about every single denial claim that these deniers put forth nowadays.

      And you and the non-revisionists were being good and fair in that debate. The trouble is, these Nazis keep pushing this self delusion because they fear what will happen when they find out they're wrong.

      Honestly the fact that the witch published my email on x for everyone to see, and sent a bunch of deniers after me by email just makes me want to debunk these morons so bad, but the trouble is every time you site a credible source or website, they just go "No its a Jewish fabrication"

      These people are so steeped in their ideology of hate that to try and pull them back up to reality is a task easier said than done

    10. Also looking back through this blog there were a couple of deniers usually commenting quite a lot, a guy called Franz and another guy called the Rabbit of Inle. What happened to them? Did they finally get a life?

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. don’t know much about franz but black rabbit quit denial

    13. Franz Holtzhaeuser = k0nsl, a Swedish denier who is currently in jail for something else. His absence caused the previous incarnation of the RODOH forum to crash.

    14. Ah I see, thanks for telling me guys. Good that Black Rabbit quit denial. He seemed very active on this blog back in the day from what I saw

    15. I was watching a bit of the History Speaks vs Penovitch debate the other day. Just goes to show how utterly childish and uninformed the deniers actually are. I'm beginning to think that Penovitch's wife founded her website in the first place just to try to prove her husband was right lol. Not that she's doing a very good job of it.

  5. "Honestly I just stopped citing this site. Too many dumb shits like that who refuse to open the link because they know their shitty lies are about to be refuted. I’ll just sum up the response and give them the source that the blog gives? Plagiarism? Maybe, but in my defense it’s for the greater good" - it's fine, citing anything as an authority triggers reality deniers of all kinds, the same would have been true in the creationism wars of the early to mid 2000s. Any reference to a collective or debunkers or whatever allows them to personalise the discussion. I think if one is going to argue with people who claim to "do their own research" as the conspiracy theorist etc mantra goes, then one needs to demonstrate one can do better research, which means going to the sources or citing them as directly as possible. Fortunately the actual sources are much more readily available due to digitisation, and I think we've built up a decent resource here to point to them.

    1. I can't lie, I haven't known about this blog for long, but I think it might be one of the most important websites of the Holocaust that I've seen on the Internet. Almost every denier claim is refuted here, which makes it probably the most valuable resource against the revisionists. Bring it on You can't deny the truth, no matter how hard you and your husbands cronies try

    2. Old news but still hilarious

    3. Lmao. How long before Germar begins to insist that this was a Jewish conspiracy and that he was never arrested by the police and that he wasn't doing anything wrong. Classic Germar

    4. Also, I've been doing more research into white nationalism and holocaust denial, and the main guys advocating for "white purity" and arguing that (((they))) are behind everything and so on and so forth, are these weird looking 45 year old's from Colorado or SC or wherever, who look like they haven't left their basement in weeks. Master race my ass. White nationalism is really dumb. Holocaust denial is dumber still.

      Also I've been going through the older debates on the skeptics society forum. Watching the deniers get pummeled again and again is quite hilarious if I do say so myself


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