Tuesday, June 02, 2015

A few remarks about Jansson’s latest blogs

Over the last few days Friedrich Jansson has produced three blogs in a row solely dedicated to this humble writer (Mopping up, A sample of Muehlenkamp’s deceptions about his “empirical” evidence on cremation and Muehlenkamp mangles mass cremation calculations).

I expect more to come up over the next days, as Jansson seems to have developed a pathological obsession with Muehlenkamp (readers are invited to count first the blogs he has produced since the publication of my blog Friedrich Jansson on Burial Space, and then the "Muehlenkamp this, Muehlenkamp that" blogs among them), and to be acting in the belief that "one Muehlenkamp blog a day keeps the doctor away". His obsession may have been additionally fueled by the realization, upon reading, say, my previous blog, that Jansson is (horrors!) not the center of my attention (neither is the subject that his writings are all about, by the way), while I’m quite obviously the center of his.

All of Jansson’s blogs will be duly addressed, true to my habitual courtesy of not leaving an opponent’s writings unanswered if I have the time to address them, however abusive and nonsensical they may be. My reply to the Mopping up blog will be finished today or tomorrow, the replies to the other blogs until the end of the week, work and more important commitments permitting. Where Jansson has a point (I have found few if any in Mopping up, but its successors may contain some pertinent criticism), namely in that my arguments regarding cremation in the HC critique require one or the other correction, this will be duly acknowledged (unlike hysterics like Jansson’s beloved Führer and most of his willing defense attorneys, I have no problem with admitting errors, and welcome pertinent criticism as an opportunity to correct them). Jansson’s paranoid and/or somewhat-less-than-honest/self-projecting accusations of deceitful intent will, needless to say, be duly slapped around the fellow’s ears.

Regarding the last two of Jansson’s blogs, by the way, I wonder why Jansson makes a fuss about issues that are supposed to have been exhaustively addressed by Mattogno in MGK’s magnum opus. Does he have such a low opinion of Mattogno’s performance that he considers it necessary to come to good old Charlie’s assistance? Does he want to show his coreligionists that he's at least as smart and knowledgeable (namely on cremation matters) as the movement’s flagship? Is he (not unreasonably) concerned that MGK’s lengthy screed might be read by as few people as are likely to have read his beloved Führer’s Mein Kampf? Or is it just that he has nothing else to write about?

Anyway, back to work and fun. To finish, I would like to quote one of Jansson’s remark in his last blog, because I think it sums up in a nutshell all that needs to be known about Jansson’s mind and character (or lack thereof). The remark is the following:
It seems unreasonable to assume that Polish Jews were as fat as, say, Nick Terry.
A screenshot has been taken, just in case Jansson should realize that remarks like this show too clearly what a sorry little [insert appropriate epithet] he is.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'd love also to see an 'etymological explanation' of Mr. Jansson of how "ausrottung" is translated as "extermination" in many languages once he denies that "ausrottung" be "extermination". How it could be possible so many dictionaries do this big mistake with the translation of this term, Mr. Jansson.

    Is this a Jewish Dictionary Conspiracy? :-D


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