Monday, December 11, 2006

Iranian Con, the beginning

The reports and schedule from the conference are available at the denier "Adelaide Institute" site. Such luminaries as Patrick McNally and David Duke ("MAUP University, Ukraine") will surely "make a difference". Oh, and Norman Finkelstein allegedly participates.

Update: apparently, the information on "Adelaide Institute"'s website about Norman Finkelstein's participation was false. The schedule itself was changed soon after this posting.


  1. David Duke, eh...

    Glad to see the mullahs are keep the thing unbiased and non anti-semitic...

  2. Just finished reading Toben's presentation. Just the same tired litany of lies and deliberate distortions we've heard so many times before. Nothing at all new. You'd think a grown man would be ashamed of himself for putting his name to such a presentation.

  3. BBC take on that conference

  4. And these morons actually stated that

    "This conference fully respects the Jewish religion and is away from politicization and propaganda."

    OH..ok. The coference is away from politicization and agenda. Ok. So THAT'S why David Duke is attending the conference. And THAT'S why they have a "the world without zionism" poster and why the conference is hosted in IRAN.

    The morons discredited themselves before the conference even started...

  5. What do you expect Sobe from such a bunch of noo nahs?

  6. Leonardo Clerici is Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's nephew (or granson?)Is he a Holocaust denier? I don’t know this man.Clerici don't live in Italy,He live in Belgium and He's the president of Skriptura Institute.


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