Wednesday, December 18, 2024

How We Already Debunked Your Franke-Gricksch Report Denial Before You Even Hit 'Publish'

There’s a relatively new holocaust denier blog called Holocaust Claims ( churning out posts every other day in 2023. While the pace slowed considerably in 2024, the quality refused to improve.

There is piece titled The Franke–Gricksch Report from September 2023 which quotes  fellow denier Jürgen Graf and tosses in another shaky point gleaned from some video clip. The arguments have been dismantled right here on this blog back in 2019:

- number of muffles in the crematorium, here and here and here.

- coke consumption and freshly burnt, here  and here

- ventilation duration, here and here

 - death time, here

- cremation capacity, here and here and here and here

 - hiding jewelry, here and here

- special tracks in specially designated districts of the camp, here and here and here

It's also telling that, in 2023, a Holocaust denier still harps on Eric Lipman’s quick and dirty typed copy of the report as if the clean carbon copy we discovered and published in 2019 doesn’t exist.


  1. I think she mentions you in that article referring to the Peinovich debate, or in another article about FG. She’s convinced Mikey won

    1. Maybe you refer to Sergey vs. Peinovich here:

      "There is another issue not mentioned by Graf which I discovered by watching this video of a podcast from The Right Stuff. I suggest viewing it to see host, Mike Peinovich, destroy Holocaust Controversies’ attack on him.

      If she had bothered to read Sergey’s post all the way to the end (a too big task, apparently), she might’ve realized that Sergey is actually "destroying" Peinovich’s video directly in the posting - so it is the exact other way round. To me, it seems like this person is not even reading the very sources she cites

  2. "Deniers: Look, I don't believe in the "Holohoax" because there (supposedly) isn't much evidence to support it"

    >Said the guy who believes in the fantasy of "resettling" and "internment" of Jews deported to death camps, which can't even be supported by testimonies

    1. Given how easy they claim it is to amass fake testimonies, I'm surprised that none of them have presented these yet (especially given how unscrupulous some of them can be).

    2. Deniers on X are now harping on the idea that there’s more Jews in the US than actually reported. No evidence of such a thing lmao

    3. Sorry dimwit ur gonna have to shove your gas showers of doom up your ass. I'm the director of the Holocaust Hoax Museum and any and all of you retards, like literally anyone on the internet has an open debate challenge against me.

    4. “Like, they just were, ok? They were gassed, with uhh…gas! In dem fake showers!” – you, the retarded person reading this

  3. Are you guys considering doing a series debunking her "Gotchas," or are they too similar to MGK's claims (given that she relies upon them heavily)?

    1. She’s not really worth the effort of putting out a series for. Most of her claims are either just gold bars supported by noodles or noodles supported by gold bars, if you know what I mean.

  4. Claims never tackles anything by HC. Why? I don’t know. She is a good example of a talky denier, but when it comes to any evidence she’s about as useful as a block of ice during the great fire of London.

    Her articles fangirling over Mattogno and Rudolf do provide some good comedy tho.

  5. I challenge you Holocaust Hoaxers especially Nick Terry to a debate. You can pick any moderator you want. I prefer an existing host of a youtube or similar aired program. Fuck your gas showers, assholes. The ghost of Fritz Berg made me re open the HOLOCAUST HOAX MUSEUM once you scumbags had Candace Owens banned for questioning the retarded Muh Mengele sewed twins together hoax. Fuck you all.

    1. “Eric”, (nobody is convinced you’re eric hunt because he quit denial)your website is a load of shit and a waste of time. Seems like you’re more interested in cussing out Jews rather than presenting convincing arguments.

      Present your arguments in a decent format that isn’t “FUCKING RETARDED JEWS HOLOCAUST HOAX” because nobody is slogging through that

    2. LOLOL U babbling about gas showers of doom the fuck else am i supposed to do pinnochio?

    3. Ur quite literally a retarded inbred what the fuck else am i supposed to do? Seems to me I'm doing something right by not playing by your rules rabbi. Fuck your gas showers of doom. I'm kicking that shit down the 300 pit .

  6. It’s definitely Eric alright

    Eric, come back to the SSF, you’re sorely missed on there. I’m sure we’d like to hear some of your theories.

    They sound… erm… Interesting

    1. It's not. I've seen some his works and they're far more composed and efficient than this worm

    2. I’m pretty sure it’s him:

      If it ain’t then it’s his secret twin. I found the channel in the TIK History comments section.

      His rationality when it comes to denial seems to have vanished.

      Eric you have an open invite to return to SSF

    3. Could be him actually. Seems to be an encrazed crackpot now who keeps harping on Mengele

    4. Keep throwing out more adjectives asshole. First it was really me, then it wasn't. Either way very jewy hate adjectives are thrown towards eithers way. Fuck you isaac. Fuck your cult.

    5. Go back to complimenting the old me though you are right. That guy had a lot more patience and shit but we are in the Trump / Attitude Era now where pro wrestlers become influencers. I'm goin pro. Fuck your cult. Fuck your gas showers. And fuck Nick Terry, he's a fucking hoaxer. Literal fucking hoaxer.

    6. I don't know what SSF is. Skeptics is it? Anyway, here's one of my not theories but just a reality of life. Steven Spielberg is a kidfucker with a nasty shit fetish. I'ma sue his ass again real soon . Oh no Holo hoes. Hunt levelled up. Hurry dimwits, which of you tards is gonna debate me? Don't run away to go talk about some shooting by bullets of partisans no one cares about except you commies.

    7. Isaac you bitch you still haven't answered the simple fucking question - Dude, where's my Mengele?" you fucking promised me a guy with a bonesaw like a villain. This guy just liked to measure noses. LOL fuck off, and oh yeah. Give me Doctor Joe's bones, you little asshole.

    8. I tried to sign up for SSF but the autistic retards have some shield where you gotta get their specifically autistically worded fucking captcha correct to register or you can't say their gas showers are bullshit.

    9. You were a member once, Eric. This is your profile:

    10. Give me whatever I need to enter to sign up. This some fucking retarded inside joke i'm not wasting my time on a captcha some dickhead retard made

    11. The captcha only takes a couple of mins. That’s the way to do it Eric. Then you need to be accepted, and then you can say whatever you want (within reason) about how you’ve returned to revisionism

    12. I didn’t answer your question about Mengele because it’s irrelevant to the historicity of the Holocaust. The last time you were in denial you quit, and now you’re back to argue about Mengele of all things. Do you have a new credible theory about the gangster image or an answer to where the Jews unfit for work were taken?

  7. I don't know what SSF is. Yes I just make stoner comedies now. I'm a big boy now and not a scared little boy. I know you fuckfaces just play Talmudic Rhetorical Fuckery about your gas showers. Yes you retards just banned Candace Owens from a continent for questioning if Mengele fucking sewed twins together. Fuck you Isaac. Fuck your cult.

  8. Literally no one cares about the mass shootings of communists this blog whines about. No one cares about chasing you down and denying that shit either. We don't care. We wanna talk gas showers of Majdanek.

  9. Look hoaxers, I don't want to spend my time with you fucking creeps too long. Whining about gas showers and shit absolutely fucked up you commies are. Look, shitheads. Gimme your biggest and baddest Holocaust promoter on youtube. I want to gas them in a video debate. Thank you. So just set it up, I agree, someone with many viewers that I can embarass. Thank you! :) Peace and Love from The Holocaust Hoax Museum,, and Merry White Boy Winter! Jesus loves some of you and the rest, well, your ancestors fucking killed the man. So, there's that.

    1. I gotta revise that to be correct. Some of you are indeed directly related to the lynch mob that whined to get other guys to actually do the nail driving part on Jesus. It would be wrong and libelous to say Jews actually did the direct killing. No, a sect of Jews just whined to the politicians to do it. And some of you little fuckers have about 1% of the same DNA as that same sect. And you act out that DNA today with your little UltraZionist lynch mobs. Christllynching like lynch mobs that, today get people that say the truth you don't like banned from your continent, for instance. Or sing a song about Irene Zisblatt that whore and get banned from France for 40 fucking years. Ok. Uhh, how about fuck your gas shower of doom you commie fucks? Which one of you little assholes is gonna debate me? Nick Terry is too scared obviously

  10. My firm declaration is that you retards are just retards with bowties on. Babbling about fucking gas showers of doom. It's a joke to take you retards seriously. Your retarded fucking conspiracy theory about Muh Gas Showers of Doom. Same retarded shit as the soap shit. You did a nice psyop getting revisionists to shut the fuck up about soap and chase your bullets across wherever the fuck this article is writing about that I did not read and don't care to read. Because it would be retarded to read what you have to write. My knowledge is beyond you morons. I'm quite beyond you shitheads no matter how big boy you think you are looking at crusty old documents and maybe you'v'e been in an archive or two. You're all hacks and frauds easily exposed. But not by being scared and still belieing your bullshit. No, no one was gassed in fake shower rooms you assholes. You're psyopped into even reading these commies' article here. LOL fuck right off with your The Jewish Holocaust religion. I like Jesus, you deceivers. Not your gas shower of doom fantasies and Dr. FrankenMengele fuckery.

  11. Don't you little lying hoaxing defaming Zionist whores write some one sided bully pulpit article about me or any of my websites I'm slapping up because I'm a Revisionist and loves to revise and loves the documentary process more and more. Loves mistakes in the age of AI. Look, you pussies. Debate me you little bitches. You commie little liars. You hoaxers. I got big Fritz energy and I'm fucking tired of this bullshit. Did I mention we're from the same town there, Fort Lee? Hmmm Check this out Holocaust Controversies commies, Eric Hunt and the ghost of Fritz Berg want to debate all of you fags at once. Or else don't be surprised if I sue your ass for defamation if I can rebut one thing you publish about me from here on out.

  12. Oh and one last thing to explain most of you absolute scum of the earth communist slime - explaining my new Attitude Era - any of you HoloHoaxing Zio-shitheads wanna ask the FBI where I saw Ghislaine Maxwell and Elie Wiesel and the sex trafficked massage girls in 2007? What about 2008? They won't confirm or deny with me. But, like, me, that guy who told you Steven Spielberg was lying to you about Ass Diamonds of Auschwitz. I was following Elie Wiesel for like uh three weeks. Yeah...I think, like I can confirm what I saw?????????! And, like I think there's documentation about this, damn. If I only wasn't shy about that video camera. Fucking iphones weren't invented yet!

  13. The truth of the matter is if Candace Owens can get banned from Australia for doubting twins were sewn together by Dr. Mengele we are living in Idiocracy. And all evidence points to this fact. And it's the same reason as explored in the movie brilliantly. Breeding. It's because we turned from Dr. Mengele :) that anthropologist you Jews made into Dr. Frankenstein. So, it's Idiocracy rules now, retards, and - look at me you COMMUNIST ZIONIST Gas Shower of Doom babbling retard - I'm the historian now.

  14. You sound manic, Eric. Off your meds?

    1. I haven't been able to speak to my family for about a decade because the holocaust hoaxing scum tore me from them. No one shows me any sympathy. Scum just keep showing that Irene Zisblatt flying out of a gas shower on Netflix. Keep going. Anyway I feel great and am great. After all, it's Jew suiing season

    2. The truth is understanding all "The Holocaust" beliefs of people is a retarded hoax involving flaming pits of fire, gas showers of doom, and Dr. Frankenmengele. And oh yeah I can't post on Elon's network because I destroyed the Dr. Mengele myth.

      I posted that leaked Magnussen document someone wrote to suppress for 80 years that proves what Mengele was doing in that experiment they been lying he was trying to make everyone's eyes blue were for. So don't mind me I'll just use this communist shithole as my own personal blog.

    3. Look Jeff I really wanna join in the fun at the skeptics forum. Give me what I have to enter in the captcha. Or just register my email for me. It's . And Jeff, remember to put some RESPECK on Josef Mengele's name. Especially since I now own Sign me up for skepticsforum. I can't wait to take on whatever dickhead there thinks they can prove gas showers of doom. That'll be no one. No one will debate me on video or audio there. All a bunch of retards. So why am I wasting my time there again? Can't even sign up some shithead puts some in-joke as the captcha. Autistic retard. No wonder why people aren't joining your lonely forum. Peace and love!

    4. Eric, are you okay? What happened to you, man? Have you embraced Holocaust denial once again or are you only questioning certain aspects such as Dr. Josef Mengele's crimes? I can't quite understand.

    5. Basically I read this article by Jenny Listman on about how she was groped by Elie Wiesel. It made me go back and look at my court records. After all no one understood what happened or why I grabbed his sleeve and asked for an interview. I couldn't get close to wiesel for three weeks in Florida and California because he was constantly surrounded by girls. Turns out I strongly believe I saw Ghislaine Maxwell with Elie WIesel and sex trafficked massage girls. If you can get a journalist like Michael Wolff to get his fed boys to check this for me that'd be swell. I don't have feds on speed dial. In fact they tried to set me and Bill White up once in a nasty way. Even flew me across the country on 9/11 to make a fake terrorism case out of it. Fucked up isn't it. I saw Elie Wiesel with Ghislaine Maxwell and sex trafficked girls and he's getting away with it because Auschwitz was sad. There was a flaming pit of fire there he walked in front of for dramatic effect after all

    6. I mean 9/11 2008 the feds literally flew me cross country to testify in some fake terror case connecting me with this blues brothers nazi named Bill White and I got a problem with the FBI using posts from other people, demonstrably proven to be written by other people, to continue persecuting a man whose opinions they don't like because he talks down their tribal actions. I have to specify 2008 not the real 9/11 before the tards try to shove more pills down my throat or imprison me.

    7. Sorry about that, Mr. Hunt, but coming on here to scream at people won’t solve those problems.

      Listman’s testimony claimed she was 19 when it happened. Whether it happened the way it did or not, that doesn’t make Wiesel a pedophile.

  15. I was content, Bruno, being a retard like everyone else. Then Mengele hoaxing retards had to ban Candace Owens from Australia. And I like Kanye West. So I started digging in the trenches again. I didn't like what I saw. Turns out them gas showers were fake and I made the coolest movies ever on like negative six million budget. I kick ass. Holocaust Hoaxers suck ass. Shove your gas showers up your ass. Eric Hunt is back and open to debating anyone and everyone. I will be respectful during the debate. But outside I am beyond Attitude era - Netflix era now.

  16. I was psyopped to believe in gas showers of doom at auschwitz because I was constantly psyopped and let down my guard. Emotional manipulation by my mother broke me. I have tried to give it up but there's no other way through. I WILL destroy the fake as fuck muh gas showers of le doom. I'm actually a very nice guy like that nice young man that made those old slightly edgy Holocaust documentaries. Now I'm Stone Cold E.T. in this bitch. Any of you holohoaxing shitheads gonna debate or just use your bully pulpits to insult, dehuamnize, and fucking do your fucking Freudian diagnoses on the guy who realized your Irene Zisblatt Holocaust is a fucking retarded hoax you pull on retards?

  17. The truth of the matter is Steven Spielberg raped me with his scat porn movie The Last Days. I am finally free and 16 years old again, making funny movies for my friends. I need to let the world see the real me unless these retarded pedos like Spielberg and Zisblatt write my story and throw me in a dungeon again like Kamala Harris did.

  18. Spielberg and Holocaust Hoaxers use the same tactics child rapists use. They silence the victims, make them fear, even afraid to show their faces. And call them crazy for speaking out. This is the same shit these dirtbags do to those who try to leave the orthodox faith. Fuck Spielberg. He's a kidfucker with a shitfetish. He should sue me so I can prove it.

  19. So, you now see my face for the first time since they tortured me for three days with the light on, and didn't let me shower, then took the controlled press photograph of me in court.

  20. I'm a survivor. You have no fucking idea what they've been doing to us.

  21. Basically I found out that Candace Owens is banned from Australia for the same reason Spielberg won't sue me. It's because Steven Spielberg is a child predator with a shit fetish. I tell the truth, the whole truth, and always have. Like, yikes!

  22. Basically Elie Wiesel fucked kids and Steven Spielberg fucks kids.

  23. So yeah it's weird I started looking into Dr. Mengele the guy you said sewed twins together like fucking Frankenstein. Then I found out that not only did Elie Wiesel definitely fuck kids but Steven Spielberg also definitely fucks kids

  24. I'm being as clear as I can possibly be in 2024 Idiocracy - DEM JEWS WASN'T GASSED IN DEM FAKE SHOWERS. You cocksuckers applied homicidal intent to fucking shower rooms. It's over now. You're done. That was fun.

  25. Can you make this website less scary looking you stupid communist assholes? This is part of your scam. Thanks! Oh, and one more thing, you fucking retards. DEM JEWS WASN'T GASSED IN DEM FAKE SHOWERS you just say clothing fumigation rooms are gas chambers or some shit whatever part of the door you'll use with another room, you know. I know. Look fuckers. You know that I know now. Alright. You knew I kind of knew before. But now I know it all. Any attempt to assign an actual building to totally fucking undocumented "mass gassings" is nothing but Rhetorical Talmudic Fuckery and well fuckers it's White Boy Winter. I'm ready to take on your biggest and baddest Holohoaxer. Give me a top youtuber. Some retard with millions of viewers. I desereve it. Eric Hunt documentaries rape the shit out of you retarded hoaxing scumbags. LOL I looked back at the Jew Gas Shower Myth video and uh you scumbags kept claiming no jews transited thru treblinna. LOL you fucking retards are fucked. That video itself fucked you morons. It was a transit camp you retards. There's nowhere fucking near the amount to hold the remains on Caroline's alleged dig. Not only that I wouldn't trust that retard's data in the first place, after all that shithead is walking through Majdanek backwards. Anyway, it's suing season and I'm, like sooo excited. I respawned and levelled up and I know all your jew tricks now. Nice try guys! So see you all soon in court! Nope, won't be what everyone thinks. Nope. Nope. Won't be that one either. I'm not as retarded as you are, gas shower hoaxers of doom.

  26. Nobody would insult you if you came on here in good faith, but instead your introduction is filled with angry cussing.

  27. Turns out I do actually wanna talk about soap. I mean you commies wanna keep rambling about this or that. I wanna talk about JewFat Soap and the gas showers of doom. Come on guys I got no one to play with I'm banned on all social networks because I want people to walk the RIGHT way through Majdanek's Bath and Disinfection 1. What a travesty. Retards. Fuck you all.

  28. Censored by you liars hahah you hoaxers ahaha got you dead to rights you lost

    Continue with your manic phase on this comments thread, Eric, but when this thread reaches 100 comments we'll start deleting new ones from you. I'm not sure anyone is interested in replying to you because you seem to be raging right now.

    The off-topic rule will eventually be enforced but you're being indulged for now, just not for long. Off-topic rule will be enforced on other posts within 90 days and you're not going to have comments approved on older posts. That is stated as blog policy. Forums are for debates and you belong to several.

    Also: it's nearly Christmas. Perhaps give it a rest?


    2. I'm sorry hoaxer Nick Terry I don't see you agreeing to a debate. Won't you debate? I thought you debate?

    3. I agree Nick and you know I'm a nice guy. And the blessings of that great man and philospher Jesus of Nazareth be upon you and your family who definitely also agree with all of his tenets. Check this out. Turns out I'm a little pissed. Cuz like, all you freaks just do totally retarded shit to claim bottles of carboon dioxide, like physical actual real bottles I have touched, are actually deadly carbon monoxide. Because you choose to translate a word a certain way. Because you use google and not bing. That. That's the Holocaust. And it's retarded.

    4. I mean now that I'm not a scared little boy with far too much sympathy for you pieces of shit I really gotta say I enjoy flying around to your gas cars and your carbon monoxide bottles. It really is so much fun flying around Holohoax land with you retards. Which of you pieces of shit will debate me on this retarded fucking article framing the Germans?

    5. I mean someone whined that I was just edgelord posting and it was true. I know what they mean - where's the fucking beef, right? Hunt's just trollin trollin trollin like Fred Durst ya heard? So I accept criticism, and I even change course. I know my first draft is retarded. I hope picks it up. Please! It is so much fun to go back on and see all the shit I wrote. But the edgiest is always the most fun! Edgy Eric Hunt is the best Eric Hunt come on guys don't you all agree? Well fuckfaces I've made it quite clear you haven't fucking seen edgy Hunt yet. You are used to dealing with a polite young man who was a scholar of the hoax you were perpetrating. Now I'm Stone Cold Steven Austin and it's the Attitude Era which of you communist little retards wants to debate this article? This is my scholarly answer to this retarded fucking shit framing the germans -

    6. Nick is really good at telling me to give it a rest and go away and stop looking at things. Nick tried to get me to stop looking into Mengele, and I got a document they hid from us for 80 years destroying the entire claims of Mengele. Magnussen leak at "The Holocaust" HOAX Museum. It's clear I should've sued more. I'm gonna fix that mistake in January 2025.

  30. I mean this is my retarded take as of now - But what do I know I'm just less retarded than you -

  31. Anyway, yall arrogant but we saw Syria fall. Same can happen with the Zionist gas shower hoax. It's coming fuckers. This shit isn't holding up much longer. I'ma kick the stool.

  32. I see none of you rotten lying bitches accepting a debate with me. I don't blame you. I'm the Stone Cold Steven Austin of this shit at this point. And you retards are talking gas showers with a non-cultist who can see thru your rhetorical talmudic fuckery. So keep it up retards. Muh Gas showers of doom. Maybe I'll see you in court someday??? Kinda tired of the gas shower of doom defamation here.

  33. I'm sorry retards, Commie Ziofuckers, Mengele gave me the biggest red pill of them all. All the proof I need to destroy your retarded hoax. Muh eye color change. Yall fucked. #MengeleLeaks I can see why you refuse to debate someone of my off the fucking charts power level. You scum been telling people Mengele tried to make erryone eye blue for hitler stabbin dem jew eye with blue dye and shit. Yall nasty ass criminals. It's time to move for prosecuting holocaust hoaxers. I'ma start.

  34. Which one of you lying Jewish Russia loving Commie cult retards wants to debate Gas Showers of Doom and Dr. FrankenMengele?

  35. I see this Jew Isaac diagnosing me as schizophrenic now. "Definitely having a schizophrenic episode" is what this fucking Jew diagnosis me with.
    Some fucking retard literal insane fuck babbling that gas showers of doom Irene Zisblatt flew out of is real.
    Retarded Jew who would never dare debate me.
    Some fucking retard literal insane fuck babbling that gas showers of doom Irene Zisblatt flew out of is real. Now I'm fucking schizophrenic, definitely according to this hebrew fucking certified DOCTOR now because your hoaxers bans me from all social networks so I gotta yell at you cocksuckers while Germar Rudolf is locked up for some bizarre reason.

    When I get more fundz I'm suing and outing these anonymous little fuckers like this Jew Isaac diagnosing me as "definitely schizophrenic." This is easily provable defamation. In fact, depending on the country I could fucking bankrupt Isaac.

  36. So I gotta put up with some defaming Jew diagnosing a guy he never saw in his life as schizophrenic over the internet because he doesn't believe in his gas shower of doom impossible never fucking happened Jew religious myth. Ok. How about you debate me on video Jew? Don't defame me on a forum I can't join Isaac. Go defeat a "schizo nazzi" or whatever you want to portray me as. That should be easy. Save the Jews.

  37. I mean all the non retards know I'm a bipolar king like Ye. Not a schizo Isaac you retarded Jew. Did I mention I'm a twin? That's fucked up isn't it. Kind of thing Mengele would study. Bipolar is a superpower. Yall afraid to debate the Professor X of this shit. I know all about the gas showers of doom. And oh yeah, I saw Elie Wiesel with Ghislaine Maxwell and sex trafficked massage girls. 2007 2008 Florida. Go fact check that. That's why I couldn't get an interview for three weeks.

    Hey Isaac ya little rat coward. When we debating on video you little cowardly hoaxing defaming liar, falsifier of history?

    Should be piece of cake and a hilarious all time document for any of you to thrash such an obviously severely mentally ill and retarded man. Who made those videos you are forced to cite now in your retarded fake academic papers.

    "The man who thought the gas shower story was cuz jews were actually retards afraid of showers who thought the soap was also jews. " - me .

  38. Here is what he wrote to us this November:

    "Hi HC,

    Cheers to all you guys and your great work.

    I am in the process of making a video postmortem on my own journey and some other current controversies in the Holocaust realm. Years of distance and treatment of my mental illness will help me explain a great deal about what happened to me, my own skepticism on certain things, and do it in a manner free of the anger I felt at the time my life was in ruins and I was making videos while living in my car.

    I’m interested in what your team has to say about something Candace Owens said about a Mengele experiment where Gypsy twins were sewn together to create identical twins.

    Of course this makes my bullshit detector go off. Frankly I’m about 99% sure this never happened without having to dig deeper into it. I think I already did but forget it. From what I read quickly there seem to be only a few eyewitness testimonies and scant documentation of Mengele’s experiments. I’m sure there is more corroborating evidence of the actual experiments Mengele did perform. At this time I highly doubt the Siamese Gypsy one was one of them.

    It’s stuff like this which causes people to question the larger Holocaust. And as Owens said it makes no logical sense to aid the German war effort other than to be as cartoonishly evil as possible.

    I’m not a Holocaust denier and am embarrassed about a great many things I did and the jump to conclusions and being tricked and used by the hardcore deniers. I also understand I was severely mentally ill and untreated and at the same time am not to blame. Especially when there are blatant pathological lying frauds like Zisblatt worshipped as Gods on earth yet absolutely demonstrably lying about being experimented on by Mengele. Zisblatt’s claim of having her Auschwitz tattoo removed by Mengele pisses me off the most now. It’s gross the wider Jewish community still allows this to go on.

    I’m hoping we can maintain an open dialogue as we know your work helped convince me to reject the false claims of deniers.

    Candace Owens is a dumbass and a literal Russian propaganda agent at this point. But even a dumbass tool can come across something that is untrue. I feel from my experiences there are some things that once you are 100% sure didn’t happen like Zisblatt’s own Mengele inventions you can’t go back. I feel Owens was pushed to double down into the denial realm like I was and others including Kanye West.

    I’m interested in your team offering what you know about experiments attributed to Mengele sewing Gypsy twins together. I think I saw something like that in Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses but that’s a work of fiction. This sounds preposterous on its face. I see that evidence for most of the medical experiments are via testimony of a few people and not actual documentation.

    I 100% believe Mengele is a war criminal who conducted horrific experiments on twins and others. I am 99.99999 2/3rds %sure sewing Gypsy twins together to create Siamese twins was not one of them. I’m hoping you can correspond with me to set the record straight. Owens was banned from Australia specifically for this very reason. That she doubted this specific experiment. Personally I feel she should be banned for spewing propaganda for Putin including being funded by Russian intelligence. But I don’t think she is off base on that Siamese sewing thing whatsoever.

    I also see a 100 year old Australian Mengele survivor was instrumental in implementing the ban. The problem is 95 year old Irene Zisblatt is the next “last survivor of Mengele” and we know her story is a top to bottom fabrication. I feel the Owens ban has chilling implications for free speech, drives justified skeptics of specific irrational invented horror stories towards hardcore denial and even antisemitism.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    - Eric Hunt"

    1. Yeah so I looked into the twins. Like, yikes, retards. What a fucking hoax you've pulled over on Dr. Joe Mengele there. So much like Vince McMahon I now own and represent that innocent man and demand his bones turned over to me to be given a proper burial. He didn't kill any fucking patients. I got the documents

    2. The documents you hoaxed interpretations of, that literally had written on it to supress it so Leslie Stahl et al could tell us Mengele was trying to make everyone's eyes blue for hitler the same racist as fuck and retarded anti-blue eyed people hatred bullshit I have been fed my entire life by you retarded piece of shit Holocaust Hoaxers. So yeah basically Mengele literally fucking dindu nuffin and yall can suck my muffuckin dick if you won't debate that matter you fucking retarded criminal bastards.

    3. Here'es the deal folks and rettards. And commies and Jews and all. One and all ! All are welcome. CHeck this shit out. I knew this shit about Joe Mengele was bullshit the second I heard it. Especially in what Jung calls the collective subconscious or some shit. HHahha u retards believe in fake shower gas rooms. Holy fucking shit. Like, you retards for real? Gas showers? Like, gas urselves bro. Like, literally. Happened twice to me. This is how I understand this shit never happened. I'm making a video or I did one or the other. Oh I got a new video for you retards. In my gas shower. Of doom. Of Dr. FrankenMengele. Peace and love. I'm sure you gas shower weirdos are the sane ones. The Zisblatt fans. The shiteating shithead Irene Zisblatt shiteaters, believers, and repeaters. That's you. Just shined up nicer. What can I say shitheads I got Big Fritz energy now. Did I mention we're both from Fort Lee? That was the first Hollywood. And basically, Jesus Christ, have I levelled up, retards. Yall are absolutely fucked.

    4. My mental illness is bipolar. Nothing else. It was caused by Steven Spielberg and Elie wiesel raping me with Holohoax shit as a child. Did I mention I have a twin brother? Yeah, that retard didn't notice like I did. Mengele woulda studied us. He was sweet. Anyway Ye and I are bipolar. I'm an artist. And coming to terms with being raped and forced to hide my face since age 16 makes me feel free. I'm having the time of my life. And enjoying writing and talking shit like the 16 year old me. Before I was raped by Steven Spielberg's filthy Ass Diamonds of Auschwitz shit communion. And threw up in the bathroom.

    5. In addition, what you retards attribute to bipolar are not what you think. I've just been puffing sativa and trolling you absolute goddamned retards. I understand there is a free speech emergency and was banned from X WHILE germar rudolf was in prison. SO fuck yall. Irene Zisblatt fan retards. You had me out for good until you told Candace not to speak about your retarded FrankenMengele experiment of SEWING FUCKING TWINS TOGETHER VERA ALEXANDER DOUBT

    6. You fucking retards are literally doing nothing while Irene Zisblatt grooms children with shit and you turn it on me and tell me ii'm the fucking asshole? Jump in Elie's flaming pit of fire, please.

    7. So you retards had me out until I learned you banned Candace for mengele twin sewing skepticism. Now I've levelled up and I'm going super saiyan on your asses. And making fun stoner comedies like I was making with my friends at 16 before that pedophile steven spielberg forced his shit ass diamonds of auschwitz down my throat.

    8. I was fucking retarded back then. WHAT fucking horrific experiments did I imagine? Was I THAT retarded? Or playing tarded for you? I usually tell the truth except when I use a fake name trying to get a document at an archive suppressing all the exhonerating documnets

  39. Ur boring they unbanned me debate me there retards

  40. OK, enough. You've said your piece, no need to repeat yourself. All comments are pre-moderated for the time being, thanks to your spamming. No comments from you will be approved until the new year, so you can go cool off. Nobody is going to respond t you in the middle of the night (US or European time). They're not going to respond as much with the holidays anyway. Go make videos and we can respond to them if we choose.

  41. Eric mate it sounds like you need to return to those meds.

    Rambling and spamming about how Spielberg “raped” and “groomed” you with his docs doesn’t sound like a healthy attitude. You’ve said you’re bipolar, well then don’t go down the Ye route, it doesn’t end well for anyone. Just get back to the meds mate.

    As for the Wiesel thing, if you were one of those kids who had to do a book report on ‘Night’ for junior school just say it, don’t spam all that stuff about him ‘grooming’ you. I know you don’t like Wiesel cause of past stuff but just let it go man. Enjoy life. Take the meds.

    Like I say, if you still wanna discuss these things seriously, just come to the SSF. You had an account on there a while back, and if you’ve forgotten just make a new one. It don’t take long.

    If you’re still hung up on this and all the stuff about gas showers and everything I’ll ask you the same question I ask every denier:
    Where did the Jews go?

    aaaand to all those at the HC crew: Merry Christmas.


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