Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ahmadinejad is at it again

Mahmoud the Moonbat sez about the Holocaust:
If such a disaster is true, why should the people of this region pay the price? Why does the Palestinian nation have to be suppressed and have its land occupied?
Pray tell, what does the Holocaust have to do with the Palestinian situation?

Or is Ahmadinejad under impression that without the Holocaust there would be no Israel? Well, he's predictably wrong. Evyatar Friesel, Professor Emeritus of Modern Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, concludes in "The Holocaust: Factor in the Birth of Israel?":
On May 15, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed. A new political reality was thus established. In the words of the Israeli diplomat Walter Eytan: If this Jewish state came into was not primarily because the United Nations had recommended it...When the day of independence dawned, the decision was Israel's alone.


Was there, then, a connection between the Holocaust and the creation of Israel? Is it conceivable that the two most decisive events in modern Jewish history could occur almost simultaneously and not be linked? Is it possible that the emergence of the Jewish state was unrelated to the terrible disaster of the Jewish people and to the remorse of the nations of the world? Regarding the deliberations of the United Nations and its bodies in 1947-1948, it is difficult to find evidence that the Holocaust played a decisive or even significant role. No bloc of nations proclaimed during the UN discussions on Palestine that its foremost aim was the creation of a Jewish state. (On the other hand, an important group of countries did favor the transformation of Palestine into an Arab state.) What impelled the international body was the practical problem of the Jewish refugees and, even more, the awareness that the Palestinian problem was drifting toward chaos and war.


True, some of the countries of the Western bloc did display an understanding - and, in a few cases, even a genuine interest - in Jewish and Zionist aspirations, but, for most of the states represented at the UN, the Jewish problem was something far removed from their concerns. It was, however, natural and understandable for them to go along with the Soviet-American proposition, given the great political and moral weight of such an agreement between the super-powers.

And since the measure of agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union neutralized clear-cut international rivalries, their tendency was to consider the Palestine question in terms of political realities. Factors such as the historical connection of the Jewish people to Palestine, or feelings of remorse because of the recent Jewish tragedy were hardly heard, if at all. Indeed, were they to be expected? It is only reasonable to assume that the great majority of UN members considered the Palestine question in "practical" terms. That attitude was well expressed in Article XII of the UNSCOP principles, which stressed that there could be no connection between the Palestinian issue and the Jewish problem.

Consequently, when at the beginning of 1948, it became increasingly clear that partition was not going to prevent a war in Palestine, the UN (spurred by the United States) started looking for a different, "practical" solution. All of which only emphasizes how modest a role the facts about and the reactions to the Holocaust played in the considerations of the international community. Even if there were a similarity in the actual outcome under consideration, there was little in common between the reasons impelling Jews and Zionists toward Jewish statehood and the reasoning behind the United Nations resolution for the partition of Palestine.

1 comment:

  1. << Pray tell, what does the Holocaust have to do with the Palestinian situation? >>

    Well, the connection is billions of dollars in outright foreign aid to Israel and countries like Egypt that we pay to be nice to Israel, not counting the military aid.

    And not counting the tax-free contibutions to Israel from guilt-ridden Diaspora Jews and Bible-thumping Christians. A Zionist is somebody who wants someone else to "pioneer" the Holy Land, after all. Every school or hospital in Israel has a plaque on it telling which foreign Jews and Christian charities paid for it.

    And this doesn't even count American Interventionism in the region, the latest saga of which is the 2 trillion dollar military campaign to oust Saddam Hussein, whom we supported as long as he opposed Iran and didn't try to corner the oil market by invading Kuwait and threatening Israel.

    The biggest trump in the Interventionist arsenal is to compare somebody to Hitler, and what makes Hitler more Hitler than the Holocaust--the propaganda of which we are bombarded with constantly over sixty years after the end of the war?

    This is not exactly rocket science but it isn't something they teach in school for obvious reasons.


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