
Monday, January 18, 2010

CODOH Censorship Supreme

Less than a week after my re-admission to the "CODOH Revisionist Forum", my old collection of censored posts has already grown considerably, given that almost everything I posted on CODOH since my readmission has been either deleted after publication or – in most cases – not published at al.

The following screenshots show all but one of my posts that disappeared into the memory hole since I started posting on the CODOH forum last Wednesday.

1. Posts briefly published and then deleted

a) On the thread Muehlenkamp and Mermelstein: post of Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:38 am

b) On the thread DEMJANJUK: Scapegoat for Madness: post of Wed Jan 13, 2010 8.46 am (page 1, page 2, page 3).

2. Posts that were never published

a) On the thread Swimming in Aushwitz!: post submitted on 14.01.2010 at 17:33 hours GMT

b) On the thread DEMJANJUK: Scapegoat for Madness: posts submitted on 14.01.2010 at 13:21 hours GMT (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5), at 13:30 hours GMT and at 14:48 hours GMT (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7, page 8, page 9, page 10, page 11, page 12); posts submitted on 15.01.2010 at 11:44 hours GMT (page 1, page 2) , at 16:13 hours GMT (page 1, page 2) and at 16:51 hours GMT (page 1, page 2, page 3),

In addition to the posts shown in the above screenshots, there is my post submitted on 16.01.2009 at 13:55 hours GMT on the thread DEMJANJUK: Scapegoat for Madness, which also disappeared into the memory hole. Currently the only of one of my post-readmission CODOH posts that is on the board is the one-sentence post of Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:56 pm. I hope it stays there.

11 posts, thereof two published and then deleted by the moderator, 8 retained by the moderator and never published, and only one on the board (at least for the time being). That's "open debate" as practiced by the "Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust".

Maybe Bradley Smith should change the name of his place to something less hypocritical and more indicative of the cowardly censorship practiced by his forum moderator, who is obviously aware that "Revisionism" is too full of it to prevail in open debate. I suggest something like "Censored Orwellian Debate on the Holocaust", or "Cowardly Deniers of the Holocaust".

Update, 19.01.2010: For ongoing documentation of CODOH censorship on the thread DEMJANJUK: Scapegoat for Madness, see the RODOH thread DEMJANJUK: Scapegoat for Jewish Madness.

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