
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Denial Family

This cartoon by Tim Eagan is a must-see.


  1. This kind of cartoon could have been published in the Sturmer!

    This is pure amalgam suggesting that the ones who don't buy the 9/11 official story are as stupid as the holocaust deniers or worse the one who don't believe in evolution. Those one by the way are the most stupid of all but fortunately can only be found in the US.

    Idem for Global warming that no one denies. The only question is "Is it caused by human activity or not?"

    The message of this cartoon is disgusting. It says "Don't ask yourself questions and believe in what you're told or you're as stupid as the basic holocaust denier"


  2. You again with your nonsense. You write:

    "Idem for Global warming that no one denies. The only question is "Is it caused by human activity or not?""

    No, you're utterly incorrect, otherwise there would be no attempts to rebut the "hockey stick" and to manufacture the "Climategate" nontroversy (which concerned specifically the temperature rise, "hide the decline" etc.).

    You don't know whatcha talking about. The rest of your comment should be judged in light of this. You're obviously unhinged with your Der Stuermer comparisons and 9/11 conspirology.

  3. "No, you're utterly incorrect, otherwise there would be no attempts to rebut the "hockey stick" and to manufacture the "Climategate" nontroversy (which concerned specifically the temperature rise, "hide the decline" etc.).

    Full of nuances as usual
    I don't say that there are no idiots denying global warming, but among sicientists there is IDEED a debate about the causes of Global warming.
    The "Hockey stick" is there to proove that it is caused by man, that is what the GIEC is defending or imposing. No debate allowed.
    The "climategate" could be seen as a denouciation of the scientific dictatoship.

    As i said, you have maybe the excuse to live in the us (?); where millions of people deny "evolution" and "darwinism" versus no one in Europe. (in the same manner, no one deny climate change here but lot don't buy the "CO2" theory!

    Asking question doesn't make you an idiot contrary to what this cartoon implies.

    The first two boxes "the holocaust is a scam but we love the jews" and the last one are good though, but the message is disgusting

    Better not to speak about 9/11

  4. > Asking question doesn't make you an idiot contrary to what this cartoon implies.

    This cartoon implies that those who say that GW is scam are idiots. Which just happens to be true.


    "Idem for Global warming that no one denies."


    "I don't say that there are no idiots denying global warming"

    Please, argue among yourselves.

    PS: no, I don't live in the US.

  5. "This cartoon implies that those who say that GW is scam are idiots. Which just happens to be true."

    Yes but ignorants don't even, bother to know about "Hokey stick" and "CO2", they have nothing to do with "climategate" or whatever.

    Even among Holocaust deniers, there are some who forced themself into research, and ,specially on the internet, some (most of them)who just "KNOW" (Beleive as a dogma) without even the basic background. Even you don't bother with them

    As for the GW
    the problem is that most of the time the ones who contest the co2 theory are reduced to basic GW deniers. Especially in the media.
    When i used to say that All Gore was telling bullshit in its movie, i was asked " You don't believe in GW ?"

    Of course the ones that don't believe in evolution are idiots as well, but most of them voted Bush and are unlikly to ask questions about 9/11, and even less question the holocaust.

    All i said is that the amalgam of Holocaust deniers, GW, evolution and 9/11 is pure propaganda and that for me the message was a kind of "Believe what you're told and don't be foolish to ask yourself questions".

    Did you read the comments on the Cartoon's internet page ?

  6. I read it differently. All those denials are similarly structured (though not ethically equivalent).


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