
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Irregular Musings on the Unicellular Denial. #4. Holocaust deniers reach the new level of stupidity - now allegedly with the help of ChatGPT.

Some dummy named E. Michael Jones writing at the neo-Nazi Unz website provides today's bit of really hilarious comedy in the posting "Why It’s Easier to Talk to a Robot Than to a Jew How Artificial Intelligence destroyed the Holocaust":

When someone asked Chatbot “How many Jews died in Auschwitz?” Chatbot responded: “It is estimated that at least 1.1 million people died at Auschwitz, the majority of who were Jews.

That answer led to the following conversation:

“Were the murdered Jews in Auschwitz cremated?”

“Yes, the bodies of those murdered in Auschwitz were cremated.”

“How many crematorium ovens did Auschwitz have?”

“Auschwitz had a total of four crematorium ovens.”

“How long does a crematorium oven take to cremate one body?”

“A crematorium oven typically takes between two and three hours to cremate one body.”

“Is it possible to cremate 1.1 million bodies, using only four crematorium ovens in four years.”


“How many years would it take?”

“It would take more than 78 years to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematorium ovens.”[11]

Shockingly, it turns out that Chatbot is a Holocaust denier.


But what happens if Chatbot claims that running the crematoria at Auschwitz nonstop for three years, 24 hours a day, every day of the week for the three years the camp was in existence could have disposed of 120,000 corpses, not 1.1 million, as the Virtual Jewish Library claims? The answer is that the Holocaust narrative collapses. 

Now, Auschwitz actually had 15 ovens which summarily had 52 muffles (6 in Auschwitz I, 46 in Auschwitz II Birkenau) with the formal capacity of 4756 corpses per day (real capacity could vary depending on many factors). 

Multiple bodies were continuously burned at once in each muffle which did conserve fuel and time compared to single cremations. This fact is well-documented. So, garbage in, garbage out. As is usual with the denial.

And of course no mention is made whatsoever of the open-air burnings, which accounted for hundreds of thousands of bodies in Auschwitz and were thus a key body disposal method.

It could be that the whole exchange is fake, but that numerous deniers have latched upon it thinking it "destroys the Holocaust" because muh AI fully illustrates the low-IQ nature of these creatures.


  1. Contrary to what you are implying with the 'minimum energy was "lost"' statement, there is very little "lost" energy in the part you referring to. The fuel is used in the beginning of the cremation to dehydrate the body - that is where evaporative cooling occurs. After the main combustion phase when the body fat ignites it is that body fat creating all the heat. And the cremation ovens we are talking about retained heat very well. There's simply no need to speak of this piddling "lost" energy you are imagining. The only external fuel needed (in an already heated oven of course) is that to dehydrate the body. N bodies would need N times that fuel - introduced singly or not - simple as that.

    1. What are you basing this on though? Each time a muffle door is opened, energy is lost. Each time the dehydrated body begins to give off energy rather than taking it, and it is not used to burn another corpse, a part of it will, inevitably, go towards heating the environment. I should also have inserted the word "continuously", since that is an important part (no pause between cremations), but that's what the link I give leads to. That's also the part that would otherwise lose energy.

    2. If you wish a more involved discussion head on over to SSF where we mentioned you here:

      In reality those ovens all retain heat very very well - even with the door open. And I've read contemporary German cremation engineers say so in a letter - it's in Mattogno's book somewhere.

      The main heat loss comes from evaporative cooling when desiccating the corpse. Pretty much all other heat losses are insignificant. But that heat loss is usually gained back when the body fats ignite. Thise cremation ovens were quite efficient in fuel use - took about the equivalent of a coffin's worth of fuel for each corpse.

    3. I probably should have said "the coke equivalent" of a coffin - since people other than you and I might be reading this and not know the details as well as we. Coke is gasified and sent to channels into the oven for direct-flame incineration of the body of the corpse until the main combustion phase when the fats ignite the body combusts and pieces fall into the ash chamber allowing another corpse(s) to be input. That is what everyone should know about the process.

    4. I'll take a look, but I'd really like to see the concrete data on heat retention.

    5. A quick search of Mattogno' book turned up 2 things of interest in this discussion which I have mentioned at SSF here:

      I still haven't found the engineer who claimed that heat losses from the door being open weren't very significant - but I infact saw Sanders saying something of the opposite in his patent application for the continuous cremation furnace design we're all aware of.

    6. For other purposes I was re-reading this document and it explicitly mentions cold air entering the muffle as one of the reason for the muffle system inefficiency. So that's indeed yet another way why multiple cremations save some fuel and time.


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