
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

More Nazi Mass Murder Statements (Part 1)

Further to my previous list, this article adds numerous quotes that clearly spell out mass murder intentions or that report mass murder actions. Preference is given to sources with online links:

1) Palfinger, 8.11.40: "a rapid dying out of the Jews is for us a matter of total indifference, if not to say desirable [YVA O.53/78, p.8; German text also here; translation in Browning, p.66]."

2) Stahlecker, 6.8.41: "an almost one hundred percent immediate cleansing of the entire Ostland of Jews [VEJ 7, pp. 511-514 (Dok. 181), here p.514]."

3) Lohse, 13.8.41: "The countryside is to be cleansed of Jews [source]."

4) Groscurth 21.8.41: "[Riedl] stated that he considers the extermination of the Jewish women and children to be absolutely necessary, regardless of how this is to be done [source]."

5) EM 80, 11.9.41: 23,600 Jews shot in Kamenets Podolsk [source].

6) Stahlecker, 15.10.41: "In accordance with the basic orders received, however, the cleansing activities of the Security Police had to aim at eliminating the Jews as far as possible [YVA O.51/18, p.35; Nuremberg translation amended by Streit, p.106]."

7) Walbaum, 13-16.10.41: 
You are completely right. Naturally it would be the best and simplest to give the people sufficient provisioning possibilities, but that cannot be done. That is connected to the food situation and the war situation in general. Thus shooting will be employed when one comes across a Jew outside the ghetto without permission. One must, I can say it quite openly in this circle, be clear about it. There are only two ways. We sentence the Jews in the ghetto to death by hunger or we shoot them. Even if the end result is the same, the latter is more intimidating. We cannot do otherwise, even if we want to. We have one and only one responsibility, that the German people are not infected and endangered by these parasites. For that any means must be right [YVA O.53/145, p.65; VEJ 9, Dok. 14, p.100; English translation Christopher R. Browning, ‘Genocide and Public Health: German Doctors and Polish Jews, 1939-1941’, HGS 3/1, 1988, pp.21-36, here p.27].
8) Kube 1.11.41 enclosing report of Carl: "persons shot have worked themselves out of their graves some time after they had been covered (1104-PS; YVA O.18/107)."

9) Kube, 23.11.42:
Jewry in the General District Minsk has in the first year of civilian administration been reduced to the number of about 30 000 in the whole General District. The flat land can be considered completely cleaned of Jews. Jewish ghettoes there are only in a number of larger cities of the General District. The inmates are under strict surveillance and consist only of indispensable skilled workers and labor forces that cannot be replaced by locals for the time being. Not a single Jew is being employed as an interpreter in White Ruthenia anymore. In the service of the German authorities and military entities there are only artisans and skilled workers left. In agreement with the Security Service the possibilities of further rolling back Jewry are constantly examined and initiated. Some attempts to accommodate new Jews in White Ruthenia through further Jewish transports from the Reich I have always rejected. In this context I call attention to the fact that the Reich Commissar refuses to protest against further Jewish transports to the Eastern Territories, as this question is the exclusive competence of the Security Police. As the Commander of the Security Police and the Security Service claims the exclusive decision-making in all Jewish matters also in White Ruthenia, I am restricted to suggestions from the Security Police in handling the Jewish question [YVA O.53/49, p.1, translation by Roberto Muehlenkamp here].
10) Strauch 5.2.43:
Resettlement site (Umsiedlungsgelände):
At the resettlement site there are 2 pits. At each pit there work two groups of 10 leaders and men each, which relieve each other every 2 hours. (An jeder Grube arbeitet je eine Gruppe von 10 Führern und Männern, die sich alle 2 Stunden ablösen.) Times 8-10 hours, 10-12 hours, 12-14 hours, 14-16 hours (translation by Roberto Muehlenkamp here).  
11) Strauch 10.4.43: "I think we can nevertheless be calm, because there used to be about 150 000 and now already 130 000 have disappeared" ("Ich glaube, wir können trotzdem beruhigt sein, denn vorhanden waren schätzungsweise 150 000 und es sind nun schon 130 000 verschwunden.") (YVA O.53/1, p.62, from documents submitted to the Heuser trial, translation by Roberto Muehlenkamp here). On the same page, Strauch stated:
I would ask you to see to it that the Jew disappears at least where he is superfluous. We do not comprehend that there should be Jewish cleaning ladies, telephone operators, etc.; and also, we do not understand that so many bootblacks are needed. They are superfluous and therefore must disappear. We will manage quite well without Jews. We will reduce their numbers by half without encountering economic difficulties (translation by Haberer here).
12) Horthy 7.5.43: "A further reproach of Your Excellency was that the [Hungarian] government has failed to take as far-reaching an action in the extirpation of the Jews as Germany had taken, or as would appear desirable in other countries." [source citing The Confidential Papers of Admiral Horthy, p. 255].  

13) Hitler 8.5.43: "the junk of small states which still exists in Europe must be liquidated as quickly as possible" (Longerich, p.580, citing Goebbels' diary).

14) Strauch 25.7.43:
On 1 March 1942 an action was to take place against the Russian ghetto in Minsk. The Generalkommissar received prior notification. In order to disguise the action the Council of Elders was to be informed that 5,000 Jews from the Minsk ghetto were to be resettled [NO-2662].
Strauch then stated that "It is clear, however, that the Gauleiter used his knowledge to save his Jews."

15) Horthy, 19.3.44: "Our crime is, therefore, that I have not fulfilled Hitler’s wish, and have not allowed the Jews to be massacred [Karsai, p.69, citing Demokrácia, 5.8.45, pp.1-2]."

16) Bierkamp, 20.7.44: "In the case of sudden emergency, which precludes the evacuation of the prisoners, they are to be liquidated, and the bodies of those shot are to be disposed as far as possible (burning, dynamiting of the building, etc.). In similar circumstances Jews still employed in the armaments industry or on other work are to be dealt with in the same way [source]."


  1. "13) Hitler 8.5.43: "the junk of small states which still exists in Europe must be liquidated as quickly as possible" (Longerich, p.580, citing Goebbels' diary)."

    Whats states was Hitler talking about?

    How should we interpret it? The small states in Europe should repealed and incorporated into Germany, for example, Sweden? Or did he mean that that the Swedes as people for example (or other people) must be physically exterminated, mass killed?

  2. "Incorporating" Jewish children?

    "For the rest of the meeting the Field Commander attempted to shift the matter onto the ideological level and start a discussion about fundamental issues. He stated that he considers the extermination of the Jewish women and children to be absolutely necessary, regardless of how this is to be done.
    The carrying out of the shootings could have taken place without causing any kind of stir if the Field Commander and the Town Commander had taken the necessary measures to keep the troops away. The incidents were caused by the complete failure of both commanders. At the negotiations, the impression was that the executions are the result of a request put forward by the Field Commander. The shooting of the whole Jewish population of the city necessarily brings with it the need to eliminate the Jewish children, above all the babies. This should have been done immediately with the removal of the parents so as to prevent this inhumane ordeal. Alternative accommodation for the children was declared impossible by the Field Commander and the First Lieutenant, whereby the Field Commander repeatedly stated that this breed has to be exterminated".

  3. Thanks for the comments.

    13) "junk of small states" was, I believe, referring to the states whose Jews Hitler wanted to deport to death camps but who were currently resisting, such as Hungary and Romania. Hitler had recently met Horthy and been frustrated.

    4) "Incorporating" Jewish children into shootings had become SS policy but the author Groscurth was in the army, and the troops were more squeamish than the SS about killing the children

    The quotes above are, in part, invitations to readers to follow the paper trials related to the quotes. Read the links embedded with the quotes; use the blog search engine to find earlier articles on them.

  4. Thanks for your answers.

    But Hungary was allied with Germany, axis power in the war. They where antisemitc yes? Why would he want to liquidate Hungary as quickly as possible?

  5. > Why would he want to liquidate Hungary as quickly as possible?

    Not Hungary, but Jews of Hungary ("junk").

  6. Hitler: "the junk of small states which still exists in Europe must be liquidated as quickly as possible"

    Jonathan: "junk of small states" was, I believe, referring to the states whose Jews Hitler wanted to deport to death camps but who were currently resisting, such as Hungary and Romania."

    Jonathan: "Not Hungary, but Jews of Hungary ("junk")."

    You first wrote you think he was referring to states like Hungary and Romania and then you wrote you think he was referring to Jews of Hungary?

    "states" are not a nation/people (there can be many nations/peoples living under the same state, goverment, or country) like jews living in a country like Hungary.

    "junk of small states" is referring to the states, where jews where living in, that Hitler wanted to kill.

    But he did not say jews in small states, but that small states must be liquidated.

    Or is he calling jewish people for "small states" (he must mean more than one people then, "states", not just one state), but that would be "small nations or peoples", but they had no state in Europe, so by state one mean a state, like a country such as Hungary.


  7. You might need new glasses since the second comment was mine :)

    I interpret it as Hitler referring to the Jews of small states.

  8. For context, the German text. I admit that my interpretation was mistaken and that Hitler did want to liquidate small states. He also explains why and what his vision was. This should answer the question above.

    Die Judenfrage wird am allerschlechtesten von den Ungarn gelöst.
    Der ungarische Staat ist ganz jüdisch durchsetzt, und es ist dem Führer
    bei seiner Unterredung mit Horthy nicht gelungen, ihn von der
    Notwendigkeit härterer Maßnahmen zu überzeugen. Horthy ist ja
    selbst mit seiner Familie außerordentlich stark jüdisch verfilzt und
    wird sich auch in Zukunft mit Händen und Füßen dagegen sträuben ,
    das Judenproblem wirklich tatkräftig in Angriff zu nehmen. Er führt
    hier durchaus humanitäre Gegenargumente vor, die natürlich in
    diesem Zusammenhang überhaupt keine Bedeutung besitzen. Dem
    Judentum gegenüber kann nicht von Humanität die Rede sein, das
    Judentum muß zu Boden geworfen werden. Der Führer hat sich alle
    Mühe gegeben, Horthy von seinem Standpunkt zu überzeugen, allerdings
    ist ihm das nur zum geringsten Teil gelungen. Aus alledem
    aber hat der Führer die Konsequenz gezogen, daß das Kleinstaatengerümpel,
    das heute noch in Europa vorhanden ist, so schnell wie
    möglich liquidiert werden muß. Es muß das Ziel unseres Kampfes
    bleiben, ein einheitliches Europa zu schaffen. Europa kann aber
    eine klare Organisation nur durch die Deutschen erfahren. Eine andere
    Führungsmacht ist praktisch nicht vorhanden. Der Führer betont
    in diesem Zusammenhang wiederum, daß wir froh darüber sein
    müssen, keine Japaner auf dem europäischen Kontinent zu besitzen.
    Wenn die Italiener uns heute auch sehr viele Sorgen und
    Schwierigkeiten bereiten, so müssen wir uns doch glücklich preisen,
    daß sie uns bei der späteren Organisierung Europas keine ernsthafte
    Konkurrenz stellen können. Wären die Japaner auf dem europäischen
    Kontinent angesiedelt, so würden die Dinge wesentlich anders
    liegen. Heute aber sind wir praktisch die einzige in Betracht
    kommende Führungsmacht auf dem europäischen Festland.

  9. The context is Horthy's statement immediately above it (see 12)

    "A further reproach of Your Excellency was that the [Hungarian] government has failed to take as far-reaching an action in the extirpation of the Jews as Germany had taken, or as would appear desirable in other countries."

    Source: The Confidential Papers of Admiral Horthy, p. 255 cited in

    So when Hitler says he wants to liquidate small states, it is because those states are refusing to kill their Jews.

    See also:

  10. "4) "Incorporating" Jewish children into shootings had become SS policy but the author Groscurth was in the army, and the troops were more squeamish than the SS about killing the children"

    I remember to have heard about the big number of court martialled German soldiers of Wehrmacht during WWII, a fact which can add further supporting evidence that their controllers SS were doing very heinous crimes. The common soldiers(witnesses or forced to participate) have not been brainwashed like the SS till the point to accept and boast such bestiality.
    As pertain "small states" they well involve also Slav states from Czech to Yugoslavia the latter considered a bunch of slavic tribes (kingdom of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes). Slavs were the second in the mass extermination plans of the Nazis.
    About the roots of Nazism and other totalitarianism of XX century

  11. Still some events supporting the evidence for those massacres (Holocaust etc.). The way Nazis treated Jews and others has been already 'tested' in apparently not linked contexts. See the German extirpation of Herero people:

    "Von Trotha’s written goal was: “I believe that the [Herero] nation as such should be exterminated.”4"

    Missing the link between Darwin and racism -
    Oct 12, 2014 ... Who is to blame for killing so many Australian Aboriginals in the 19th century?

    Darwin's bodysnatchers: new horrors -
    In a previous Creation magazine we related evidence that perhaps 10,000 dead bodies of Australia's Aboriginal people were shipped to British museums in a ...

  12. Crazy evolution denial websites are hardly authoritative sources.

  13. Mr Romanov, it is a shade you refuse to take seriously in consideration Creationism (perhaps, I suppose, cause some outspoken Creationists in the Trump's team, along with other ones smelling to be Holocaust deniers).

    The use of the attribute "denial", as to try to draft Creationists with the bunch of Holocaust deniers, is not a good deal. I remember you that among the evolutionists were and are and ever will the staunchest anti-Jewish militants. To be not OT respect the theme of this post, I recall that one of the most loved targets of the Evolutionists who outspokenly fight Creationists in the web, is just the same target of the SS "Kulturkampf". Personally in Youtube comments etc. I received regularly blames (if not true aggression) which used the weapon of the supposed "cruelty" of the Jews as it appear from some verses of the Old Testament, among which a very famous verse in which Moses, by the Lord's command, order to kill all the male kids of the Midianites. I don't have the sources nor even read in a scholar text that the SS were using the same 'cultural' argument of the Evolutionists today, but when I read about the obsession of those SS commander in to pursue the mass murder of those children, I could not avoid to link together the anti-Creationist militants today with what could have been probably a matter of study for the SS: verses of the O.T. Used to present the Jews as "baby-killers", and to justify, thousands of years later, an alleged "legitimate" revenge in name of a not well defined Christian-Pagan syncretism at the base of the SS creed.

    I don't put other Creationist links, Mr Romanov, but I invite you the same to search about names as James Clerck Maxwell (unification of electric and magnetic field), Pasteru (vaccination), or Jeff Williams, one former commander of the International Space Station (plus some other humans creatures who walked in the Moon and believed in the literal account of Genesis as not enemy with science. At least if the reader is not an "Apollo landing mission" denier...)

  14. Creationists are as cuckoo as Holocaust deniers.

  15. why are we talking about creationism?

  16. Creationists like to blame Darwin for genocide. Whilst there's a very tortuous thread from Hitler back to Darwin, it's very low on the list of historical factors (e.g. I would say that Darwinism provided eugenicist policy-makers with pretexts to justify social engineering) and I think the Holocaust would have happened if Darwin had never have existed. Thus I will have low tolerance for these contributions if they start to appear regularly. Make the point once then move on. Repetition without strong evidence will be spam.

  17. Especially if it is based on creationist rags.

  18. "Thus I will have low tolerance for these contributions if they start to appear regularly. Make the point once then move on. Repetition without strong evidence will be spam."

    @Jonathan Harrison So you want to censor and suppress the contribution of people who claim to be Creationists?

  19. No, I would wish to strongly discourage "Repetition without strong evidence" because it would make these threads very tedious.


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