
Friday, April 13, 2012

A message to Jonnie "Hannover" Hargis

The extinct RODOH forum's most visited thread, "A message to Jonnie Hannover Hargis ...", is being reconstructed on the RODOH 2 forum.

Available so far:

Posts # 1 to # 10

Posts # 11 to # 20.

Enjoy reading, Jonnie!

Update, 14.04.2012:

Posts # 21 to # 30

Posts # 31 to # 40

Of particular interest as concerns moderating practices on the forum of the "Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust" is post # 26:

neugierig wrote:

I agree, Herr Muehlankamp, those guys over there are not entirely honest. Banning you and others and then performing victory dances is beyond even chutzpah. Hopefully this new poster, if he is new, will soon realize that dissenting views, if you will, are verboten.

As far as pointing him to RODOH, the name can not be mentioned, it is deleted. One of my posts was totally distorted, I dared mention RODOH, should have copied it, which almost made me quit that forum. Anyway, who knows, perhaps this lost sheep will find its way.

No one is free, until we are all free

In this, one of his rare reasonable statements, Wilfried Heink (who together with Thomas Kues runs the CODOH blog "Inconvenient History", shows his awareness of the dishonest censorship that makes the CODOH forum's claim of offering open debate completely hypocritical.

Thomas Kues, incidentally, used to post on the CODOH forum as "Laurentz Dahl" (see posts # 33 and # 40).

Update, 16.04.2012:

Posts # 41 to # 50

Posts # 51 to # 60

Posts # 61 to # 70

Posts # 71 to # 80

Posts # 81 to # 90

Posts # 91 to # 100

Post # 53 was the start of a long discussion about the Auschwitz-Birkenau homicidal gas chambers (namely the question why no "Prussian Blue" formed on the walls of these chambers) with former CODOH poster "Wahrheit"/"Wahrheitseeker". This discussion, which later continued on two other RODOH threads (see post # 96) occupied most of the posts added in today's update.

"Wahrheitseeker", whose real name is Jason Myers, eventually turned his back on "Revisionism" and is one of the authors of the HC critique of Mattogno, Graf and Kues. Jason explained the reasons that led him to abandon "Revisionism" in an afterword to the critique.

Update, 19.04.2012:

Posts # 101 to # 110

Posts # 111 to # 120

Posts # 121 to # 130

Posts # 131 to # 140

Posts # 141 to # 150

Update, 20.04.2012:

Posts # 151 to # 160

Posts # 161 to # 170

Posts # 171 to # 180

Posts # 181 to # 190

Posts # 191 to # 200  

Update, 21.04.2012:

 Posts # 201 to # 210

Posts # 211 to # 220

Posts # 221 to # 230

Posts # 231 to # 240

Posts # 241 to # 250

Post # 221 contains the following instructive comment by Stan Clemo, a former "Revisionist":
"Hannover" is one of the reasons I quickly realised that 'revisionism' is bunk. I used to wonder does he really believe the things he says?

Update, 22.04.2012:

 Posts # 251 to # 260

Posts # 261 to # 270

Posts # 271 to # 280

Posts # 281 to # 290

Posts # 291 to # 300


Update, 24.04.2012:

 Posts # 301 to # 310

Posts # 311 to # 320

Posts # 321 to # 330

Posts # 331 to # 340

Posts # 341 to # 350

 Posts # 351 to # 360

Posts # 361 to # 370

Posts # 371 to # 380

Posts # 381 to # 390

Posts # 391 to # 400

Post # 379 marks the beginning of a intensive discussion with "EdwardtheGray" and kindred CODOH spirits about some of the photographs collected on this blog site.

Update, 25.04.2012::

A side note about Carmelo "Blogbuster" Lisciotto's recent whining on the "CODOH Revisionist Forum" and the expectable reactions of some CODOH regulars, including Jonnie "Hannover" Hargis. For further information about Lisciotto's practices see the blogs collected under this label and this recent article.

Update, 27.04.2012::

The RODOH 2 forum has also been deleted by Yuku. Reconstruction of the original RODOH thread "A message to Jonnie Hannover Hargis ..." will therefore be done in future blogs, mostly by inserting the screenshots from that thread as enlargeable images.


  1. Saggy/7 Up nailed Hargis succinctly:

    "You say you are using the guidelines alone to make your decisions regarding cyberjunkie say, and he disagrees, saying you're using them selectively and that your decisions are biased and capricious. Who is right? No one knows, and we have no way of judging as the posts in question are not available to us. From my experience every moderator, including the CODOH moderator, uses 'guidelines' selectively to suppress posts/opinions they do not favor. The moderator 'interprets' the 'guidelines' any way he/she chooses and no one is able to judge if it is being done fairly. That is censorship. Just ask Bradley Smith, he was bounced from a history forum by the moderator, using the forum guidelines of course. When guidelines are interpreted by an invisible hand they are easily used for censorship.

    The only proper response to a charge of censorship is to make the actions of the moderator transparent i.e. available for all to see. This is easily done, just create another web page, not a discussion page but a list only, of all the actions the moderator takes, showing all deleted and modified posts. I cannot think of any legitimate reason for not doing this."


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