
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Yeager v. Neander 2: No Foot Left Unshot

Again, Dr. Neander may choose to reply to the deranged neo-Nazi lunatic Carolyn Yeager's new response to him at the antisemitic CODOH blog "Inconvenient History", though it is only understandable if he chooses not to give her more limelight. But again, here are my personal thoughts.

As Jonathan Harrison said, CODOH will live to regret giving a platform to someone whose ANSWP association is known. Yeager shows her derangement from the beginning:
But more on that later. I want to follow your comments in a chronological order, so I’ll speak first about Stehzelle. You “prove” the existence of such torture by referring to the Auschwitz archives, saying that out of 275 reports you counted 28 reports that speak of Stehzelle given as punishment. This you expect to be accepted at face value. Yet, the entire holocaust legend is based on false reports, forgeries and lying and/or coerced witnesses. Therefore, a holocaust skeptic such as I am does want to see some physical evidence or unquestionably genuine documentation, which you have not produced.
Or, in the immortal words of Frau Farbissina,

Oh, and Dr. Neander did provide "unquestionably genuine documentation". Let me quote from his first response to Yeager:
You refer to a Wikipedia article that mentions Stehzelle only in connection with Maximilian Kolbe, a fact that makes you doubt whether Stehzellen did exist at all. Now Wikipedia is a good thing, but not The Gospel. Let me assure you that, in the Auschwitz archives, there is ample material about the standing cells, not only from survivors. For example, 275 reports and 110 orders for punishment, issued by the camp authorities, have come down to us.[5] They are only a small fraction of the original set, but if I counted correctly, twenty-eight of the 275 reports speak of Stehzelle meted out as punishment. Among the unfortunate there were seven Reichsdeutsch citizens, all of them Jews. E.g. Egon Stiassny from Vienna, camp no. 98241, was sentenced to “five times Stehzelle and five times Strafarbeit (punitive labor)” on May 19, 1943.

[5] Auschwitz archives, file D-AuI-2/1-877 nr inw. 165352.

I'm sorry, but case closed. That Yeager does not accept this voluminous documentary evidence on the basis of the absolutely hollow claim that the "entire holocaust legend is based on false reports, forgeries and lying and/or coerced witnesses" shows that she is up there, on the Moon, unreachable by the force of reason and evidence. There's no debating with people like this. (Also Yeager should ask her co-blogger Carlo Mattogno what he thinks about her "Stehzelle skepticism".)

But once again she shoots herself - and her hosts - in the foot by not containing her raging antisemitism:
As you must know, German women who suffered horrendous experiences (some far worse than anything Zisblatt could have experienced) do not write books or make speeches about it in anywhere near the numbers that Jews do. Even this statement is overly generous—the ratio must be something like 1000 to 1. So yes, there is a great deal of resentment against “the Tribe”, not just from me, and it is well-deserved.
Sorry, IH guys. You'll never wash away the "antisemitic" label from your blog, and you won't even be able to argue that this is a mere character assassination based on false equivalence between "revisionism" and antisemitism. No, your blog is antisemitic because you publish the statements like the one above. Say goodbye to an aura of "objectivity". And thank Yeager for that.

Yeager ends her screed with this prolonged whine:
And speaking of disgust ... I wonder why you lower yourself to post your articles on a site with such low standards as “Holocaust Controversies?” Is that the only place that will accept them? Or are you one of the team? You appear to want to personally uphold good manners and proper forms, but the people you associate with there are anything but “proper.” They are name-callers and haters extraordinaire! Regular contributor Sergey Romanov seems overly reliant on four-letter words. Here are some he used to describe me after my article in response to yours was posted on Inconvenient History Blog: “neo-nazi scum,” idiotic paranoid,” “not very bright,” “dumb neo-nazi liar,”[10] and just yesterday a friend of theirs named Nathaniel called me an “ignorant fuck.” I would think you would not want to be associated with such language that reveals such immature behavior. I certainly don’t! Therefore, while I am willing to converse with you in the further exposure of Irene Zisblatt as the fraud that she is and in putting other myths about Auschwitz-Birkenau in their proper perspective, be informed that I will not reply to anything more that is posted at “Holocaust Controversies.” Good day to you, Sir.
Long answer: what an interesting display of hypocrisy. So, Yeager calls Zisblatt a liar without a second thought - after all, in her mind it is justified by her arguments. Well, if so, why cannot I call Yeager a liar if I furnish the sufficient arguments? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? And I did put forward just such logical arguments, based on Yeager's distortion of Dr. Neander's article. So instead of answering the arguments she throws a tantrum?

Then there's this "neo-Nazi scum" business. Now, if I prove the "neo-Nazi" part, I'm afraid I don't need to justify the "scum" part, it kinda goes without saying, n'est-ce pas? And I think I amply proved the charge by quoting numerous Yeager's statements (which she did not deny), like:
Finally, I was drawn to National Socialism as a viable alternative, learning about its true nature as opposed to the lies I had been taught. It felt very good, as if I had come home to my true German roots and what was authentic in my Self.
National Socialism

The best political philosophy ever devised.
A gentleman and man of honor to the end, we can say proudly that Adolf Hitler inspired steadfast devotion and uncommon strength from women as well as men - women who held him, and still hold him, in the highest esteem, as he did them.
and some others.

So it is an objective fact that she is a neo-Nazi (also cf. her current site).

Then there's the "idiotic paranoid" part. That's when she wrote that Dr. Neander "seems to have been assigned this project by some well-known Holocaust defenders" without citing any evidence whatsoever. Both paranoid and idiotic, wouldn't you agree?

And last, but not the least, "dumb". Well, given all of the above, I think I need to say no more.

Short answer: get a life, crybaby.


  1. Nazi lunatics have taken over the denier asylum that 'Inconvenient History' has become. First we had Joseph Bishop, then Veronica 'Adolf Hitler Research Society' Clark, and now Ms ANSWP Yeager.

    What the Hell were the IH admins thinking of when they published such a woeful piece of trash?

    How can the word 'History' be attached to a blog which says that a fact, documented in at least 28 written primary sources, cannot be accepted into evidence unless the documents are on Wikipedia; and, even then, we must dismiss the documents because all Holocaust documents are forgeries?

    Has Yeager read any books on the period, other than 'Mein Kampf'?

  2. Where have all the sane deniers gone?
    Long time passing
    Where have all the sane deniers gone?
    Long time ago
    Where have all the sane deniers gone?
    Yeagers have picked them every one
    When will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

  3. It would have been far more interesting if Ms. Yeager responded to my statement about:

    "Ignorant Fuck who knows nothing about proper historical research and is only following her own preconceived notions"

    instead of focusing on the whole "Ignorant Fuck" part and proving me right by only following her preconceived notions by saying: "Yet, the entire holocaust legend is based on false reports, forgeries and lying and/or coerced witnesses. " which is in itself a baseless preconceived notion.

    Thus, I see no reason to change my statement. If it makes her feel better though, she can imagine that it says "Ignorant Moron" rather than "Ignorant Fuck"

    Still, I apologize only to Dr. Neander if I somehow offended him. It's not my intention to tarnish his career in any way. Someone like him deserves utmost respect, maintaining professional courtesy to someone like Yeager who outright misrepresented his work.

  4. While I agree that individuals like Ms. Yeager deserve all the naughty four letter words in the world, I think it does this blog a diservice when it's posters use such language.

    Then again this is not a journal and while the posts are somewhat scholarly in nature they are not in an academic setting but a relativley informal one. Still I think it detracts from the otherwise excellent work here.

  5. Robert, point taken, but does that include "neo-Nazi scum"? ;)

  6. Further notes on this lunatic article:

    1) Yeager's own source (her Footnote 1) discusses the Stehzelle alongside other countries that used this form of torture. It says:

    "In the 1930s, Stalin's NKVD also famously used forced standing to coerce seemingly voluntary confessions for show trials. The Gestapo used forced standing as a routine punishment in many concentration camps. It even created small narrow "standing cells," Stehzelle, where prisoners had to stand all night."

    Yeager treats the claim against the NKVD (and CIA) as proven fact but denies the evidence against the Gestapo.

    2) Yeager: "the great majority of whom had already been condemned to death by German courts."

    Yeager takes the decisions of these 'courts' at face value. She seems unaware that legal authority had been handed to the SS. According to her, all of the defendants had access to the German equivalents of Perry Mason, whilst the defendants at Nuremberg and in West German trials had no choice but to lie.

    Nazi courts good, Western courts bad? Well, she has already told us on her radio interviews that American courts are controlled by Jews, and that 'whites' need to take back the courts. She said:

    "The point I want to make is that I think the time has come that while...we have debunked so much...the only way to go forward is through the courts...The European people founded this country and we can't go into our own courts, because they have been taken over. We need to use our courts for ourselves."

    Hear her at the 22:19 minutes mark at this link:

  7. From the same radio link. See her comments:

    "Carolyn on December 29th, 2009 1:49 pm

    Thanks for posting these awesome radio programs by Wm. Pierce and The Oldman. I’ve listened to all but the last (which is up right now) and they’re each excellent. I’ll keep them on file to recommend to others.

    I used to listen to Pierce’s broadcasts from the archives, and never found a bad or boring one. What a great ability he had to distill the essence of an issue and present a convincing argument.

    Let’s hope we can keep the holocaust revisionism discussion going on VOR and reach more people. I agree with The Oldman’s take that it’s so vitally important."

    That's William Pierce of the National Alliance:

  8. funny i found this on yet another denier site...a funny one...for harry potter fans

    The severus comment is a must read
    "The idea behind this (the Stehzelle) was not to starve people but to enforce a code of ETHICS and discipline in the camp. If you let one prisoner get away with doing whatever he or she wants, soon you have anarchy and disorder. LOOK AT AMERICA'S PUBLIC SCHOOL TODAY: a complete Joke!

  9. Ugh. What's more vomit-inducing than a Harry-Potter-Holocaust-Denial site? Only Yeager.

  10. -While I agree that individuals like Ms. Yeager deserve all the naughty four letter words in the world, I think it does this blog a diservice when it's posters use such language.

    Then again this is not a journal and while the posts are somewhat scholarly in nature they are not in an academic setting but a relativley informal one. Still I think it detracts from the otherwise excellent work here.-

    Point taken as well, Robert. The blog's readers deserve better.Let's all try to leave the cussing to the Neo-Nazis and their friends. It's funnier watching them all reduced to swearing or complaining when they run out of arguments ;)

    They still deserve it, though

  11. Well if you click on "Third rich research" on your friend Friedrich Paul Berg's'll get severus...

    But i don't was certainly linked to by some "anti-sionist" sites...

    Or i was just in some "Harry Potter trip..." ;)

    The guy (and his Sirius black Pal) is a lunatic who waste his time for himself only...

    though no one can compeat with "the Adolf the great" site...
    (i know the world is getting wierder everyday)

  12. If you listen to him...a Stehzelle in America's public schools would greatly improved education...

    Well in case you did not know this one... my all time favourite...for a laugh...

  13. But hey...

    Regarding this severus site...this goes beyond simple holocaust deniers sites, but right through nazism which should be a smaller world than the basic holocaust deniers. Though they (He?) dare to claim to be an apolitical see SS signs all over...

    Seem to me the site is quite discrete...I maybe paranoid, but it could be just a kind of private Library...some kind of save disk...You have Veronique Clark along Pat Buchanan...and Liddle Hart...

    Well i don't know...

  14. Did you realise that it is impossible to right click and get the propreties and that it's almost impossible to get there through google ?

  15. "and that it's almost impossible to get there through google ?"

    That's why I asked.

    "Right-click" thingie is easy to circumvent.

  16. You numbskulls dish out "anti-Semitism" labels like they are going out of fashion.

    Read a f&&&kin dictionary - Jewish one or not , you are off your rockers and totally out of touch with the real world.

    Just cos you say it don't make it true.

    Plus, NO_ONE BUT you CARES!

  17. Where have all the sane believers gone?
    Long time passing
    Where have all the sane believers gone?
    Long time ago
    Where have all the sane believers gone?
    Fools they are, every one their own worst enemy.
    When will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

  18. Ugh. What's more vomit-inducing than a Harry-Potter-Holocaust-Denial site?

    Answer: Your bile on RODOH...

  19. I've posted a variation of this on other HC entries that cover the pallid stupidity that was Carolyn Yogurt: She announced on New Year's Day 2024 that she would stop updating her butt-ugly eponymous Holocaust denial blog. Around 23 people wrote in to praise her "great work" (there may have been a few people like myself who were honest with CY and as a result were not posted as well, as her belief in free speech was, um, limited). That amounted to around 1.4 people for every year she'd run her blog. Not long after, CY.bleh deleted itself permanently. No loss at all.


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