
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kues and Mattogno are associated with yet another antisemitic blog

Carlo Mattogno and Thomas Kues, the Clueless Duo, usually try to write in a neutral style, but their associations give their game away, I'm afraid. Not that they didn't write some nasty stuff before, e.g. here's Carlo:
[Jean-Claude Pressac] was no longer a valuable goldmine to the guardians of the 'Holocaust' orthodoxy, but had turned into a more and more rebellious and uncontrollable Goy, jeopardizing the official historiography with each new publication. [...]

For this reason, the position as the "world's leading Auschwitz expert," until then occupied by Pressac, was taken by a trustworthy Yehudi, who was to take Pressac's theses - cleaned from all revisionist waste - and embed them into an unalterable, definitive version of Auschwitz.
And of course they write articles for the antisemitic CODOH "Inconvenient history" blog.

Finally, both Kues and Mattogno write articles from time to time for the blog of a certain Andrea Carancini. The blog is obviously antisemitic. I guess one picture is worth a thousand words, so here's that picture:

'Nuff said.


  1. One only needs to look at the poster decorating Carlo's last article on blonde Aryan Franziska's blog to realize what makes the fellow tick.

  2. At least one Kues article is copied over at VNN. Perhaps he could let us know if this is done with his consent?:

  3. Why can no-one question the stories of the Holocaust without being labeled as anti-Semitic?

    Why is this the only part of history that requires legislation to prevent research and discussion about it?

    Surely research and discussion would be a GOOD thing wouldn't it, you know, to make sure it could never happen again?

  4. > Why can no-one question the stories of the Holocaust without being labeled as anti-Semitic?

    Um, I dunno, because most deniers _are_ antisemitic?

    Got ya there.

    Oh, wait. You're not using the "you call them antisemites because they deny" canard, are you? How about you address the content of the posting, you dumb nitwit?

    > Why is this the only part of history that requires legislation to prevent research and discussion about it?

    It doesn't.

    Also, look up Ukrainian anti-Holodomor-denial law and Turkish laws concerning the Armenian genocide.

    > Surely research and discussion would be a GOOD thing wouldn't it, you know, to make sure it could never happen again?

    There is much research and much discussion concerning the Holocaust history in the scholarly circles, thank you very much.


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