
Friday, May 05, 2006

Iranian thugs detain a scholar

A prominent Iranian-Canadian scholar is being detained in Iran after writing an article earlier this year in which he challenged Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's contention that the Holocaust was a myth.
The rest here.

If it so happens that he was indeed detained for writing that article (and we don't know the details yet), then there is a certain parallel between this and arrests of deniers in Europe. Not a perfect one (correcting Mahmoud the Moonbat re: the Holocaust in no way contitutes an incitement of racial hatred), but still a good one. People should not be arrested merely for Holocaust denial - or affirmation, for that matter.

Let's see how the deniers react, though. Will they say that it makes up for "revisionists'" arrests?


  1. What does one gain by "martyr status"? Does one get coupons to Blockbuster Video or something?

    The Iranians asked to send an investigative commission of their own to Auschwitz and were denied. Now, I have no doubts that the Iranians are dilettante Revisionists at best, but what have the Holocaust Industry museums got to hide? What indeed.

  2. " what have the Holocaust Industry museums got to hide?"


  3. Revisionists should write Ahmadinejad letters of protest about detaining the Holocaust scholar. Jailing Hoaxsters is surely not the answer.

    << Scott said:

    " what have the Holocaust Industry museums got to hide?"

    Sergey said:

    Nothing. >>

    Right, and that's why they refused to let a foreign Head of State send in some skeptical investigators for a look around.

  4. "Right, and that's why they refused to let a foreign Head of State send in some skeptical investigators for a look around."

    They did right - Mahmoud the Moonbat and his bunch of unqualified incompetents have exactly nothing to do in Auschwitz.


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