
Friday, April 21, 2006

It would be a bad joke, if it weren't for real...

From the report of Ortskommandatur II/347, Borislav (July of 1941):
Population is still strongly irritated because of murder of many Ukrainians by the Russians during their retreat. After Russians left, Ukrainians took revenge and killed about 350 Jews.

RGVA, f. 1275, op. 3, d. 663, l. 4, cited in A. Kruglov, Sbornik dokumentov i materialov ob unichtozhenii natsistami jevrejev Ukrainy v 1941-1944 godakh, Kiev, 2002, p. 318.


  1. Entirely without reason, actually. True, there was a disproportionate amount of persons of Jewish nationality in Ukrainian NKVD, but that was obviously no reason to blame all the Jews.

  2. That is to say, there was a reason, but only if one accepts the notion of collective responsibility.

  3. Roman,

    Jews are also considered capitalist leaning by the left anti-semites. And industry leaning by the green anti-semites. And neo-cons by anti-Bush anti-semites... I could continue.

    In truth, Jews tend to become prominent (and stick their big noses) into most movements.

    You have to be a mass murdering anti-semite to use this as justification for killings like those referenced by Sergey.

  4. Just to be sure - Roman certainly doesn't try to justify atrocities :-)


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