
Monday, December 24, 2012

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard. A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues.

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka

Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard

A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues

A Holocaust Controversies White Paper, First Edition, December 2011

© 2011 Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, Nicholas Terry

NOTE: the definitive version of this Critique is in the PDF format. It can be downloaded from the following sources:
The blog version should be considered as an earlier version.

This work may be freely distributed electronically as a PDF or reproduced on websites, but rights of authorship are reserved; please credit this to ‘Holocaust Controversies’. Reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Dedicated to Harry Mazal (1937-2011)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Hoax That Dare Not Speak Its Name
Chapter 2: Nazi Policy
Chapter 3: Aktion Reinhard and the Holocaust in Poland
Chapter 4: So Where Did They Go? “Resettlement” to the East
Chapter 5: Gas Chambers at the Aktion Reinhard Camps
Chapter 6: Death Camp Witnesses
Chapter 7: Mass Graves
Chapter 8: Burning of the Corpses

Afterword: A Special Note by Jason Myers


  1. Very interesting, good work. Will this book be in print in book, to buy? I will buy it.

    Best regards

  2. Two things to note. I happened upon this blog and am very impressed with its depth, complexity and comprehensive nature. The Mattogno controversy comes as a complete surprise. What exactly is his agenda, for certainly he has one, but I can't put my finger on it? Is he a structural critic and naysayer trying to forge an academic reputation for himself at the expense of history and suffering multitudes? In other words a scholar/narcissist? Or is the truth blacker than that? If the latter, then I can figure it out for myself. The other suggestion I would make is that the date of December 31 2012 needs to be corrected or the blog entry will fall out of order in the archives. Good work. And I will pass these links along to Holocaust scholars who are colleagues of mine.

  3. "The Mattogno controversy comes as a complete surprise. What exactly is his agenda, for certainly he has one, but I can't put my finger on it? Is he a structural critic and naysayer trying to forge an academic reputation for himself at the expense of history and suffering multitudes? In other words a scholar/narcissist? Or is the truth blacker than that? If the latter, then I can figure it out for myself."

    Narayanjot, what'd be the agenda of Mattagono? All Holocaust denier have one, only it varies from group to group and individual to individual. In general, Holocaust Denial Groups support right-wing politics and they try to rehabilitate the Nazi-fascism. They give ideological support and visibility to political groups of the extreme right, particularly in Europe, linked to polícios parties or not.

    In other cases, some of these Holocaust denial "Gurus" are just mercenaries/ opportunists wanting to earn some money from the anti-Semite public who buys this type of material (books, videos etc).

    I made a generalization, but in general this is the agenda of this Holocaust denial "mainstream," at certain points may change from country to country, region (continent) to the region of the world.

  4. Whole European right-wing (and the U.S. right-wing and from the other countries) are well conected themselves and very good articulated. These groups act with the population of many countries spreading racism, antisemitism, eugenics, racial supremacism and so on.

    As I said it before, the Holocaust Denial "Gurus" do this because of ideological affinity with these groups or just seeking money from book sales.

  5. Hi Narayanjot,

    Thanks for your post. In the conclusion to our critique, we show that Mattogno is an antisemite. I think this is his primary motive, and his second is academic envy.

  6. For example, we write:

    "Mattogno is much more guarded in his statements but, in 2010, wrote an article on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which stated that the “aspiration to world domination by the Jews…is already expressed explicitly” in rabbinical texts and constitutes “the very essence of Jewish messianism.” Mattogno cites approvingly the claims by Bernard Lazare and his own brother that Jews have, throughout history and across all societies in which they have settled, brought persecution upon themselves through their own behaviours."

  7. Did Mottogno cite "approvingly" the assertion of Einstein's, similar to the Lazare brothers?

    "... anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction."
    - Albert Einstein

    “aspiration to world domination by the Jews…is already expressed explicitly”

    That is of course very true.

    "When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel (Eruvin 43b)"

    "... the moment the Messiah comes all will be anxious to serve (slaves) Israel."
    - Babylonian Talmud Soncino Edition: Eiruvin 43b

    You're not fit to kiss Mottogno's academic boots Harrison. How convenient then that you can fall-back on the well-worn "anti-semitie" canard.

  8. The date on this post states:

    "MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2012"

    Oh dear—if you couldn't even get the year right, it does not does bode well for the contents of the rest of the article.

  9. "Dr. Wolfsohn made the opening and closing speeches at the International Zionist Congress held at The Hague in 1907. In his closing address he pleaded for greater unity among the Jews and said eventually they must conquer the world."

    Zionist Leader Dies.
    The New York Times.
    September 17, 1914

    Those stupid antisemities and their ridiculous "Jews wanna conquer the world" theories

  10. -The date on this post states:

    "MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2012"

    Oh dear—if you couldn't even get the year right, it does not does bode well for the contents of the rest of the article.

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:42:00 AM

    Lol,You moron freak. Did it ever occur to you that they set the date to make sure that the article is always the first thing to show up when you open the blog?

    Your inability to figure out this basic fact speaks a lot about the credibility the rest of your hollow bluster.

  11. ""When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel (Eruvin 43b)""

    This phrase doesn't exist, another falsification of the Talmud.

    ""... the moment the Messiah comes all will be anxious to serve (slaves) Israel."
    - Babylonian Talmud Soncino Edition: Eiruvin 43b

    You're not fit to kiss Mottogno's academic boots Harrison. How convenient then that you can fall-back on the well-worn "anti-semitie" canard."

    That's the real Eiruvin 43b: link:

    "Assuming10 that as Elijah would not come11 the Messiah also would not come,11 why should not
    [the drinking of wine] be permitted on a Sabbath eve? — Elijah would not, but the Messiah might
    come because the moment the Messiah comes all will be anxious to serve12 Israel.13 [But why14
    should not the drinking of wine] be permissible on a Sunday? May it then be derived from this15 that
    the law of Sabbath limits is inapplicable16 for had it been applicable16"

    The name Israel mentioned is about the biblical Kingdom of Israel and the discussion is about whether to allow or not to drink at the coming of the Messiah, but the messages are only addressed to Jews on a Jewish Messiah. You're assuming that the text of a religious book is totally true, but this is not historical method and anachronism too.

    Another "Revisionist" failure.

  12. funny how you claim the revisionists are looking for money
    when it is the holocaust writers who are the ones being given foundation after foundation
    grants from the us government
    then you guys all fall into the liberal game of name calling
    why don't you look into the original nuremburg trials and see all the falsehoods and the sham trial that it really was
    watch the documentary 1/3 of the holocaust
    i know you guys will already hate it and spout liberal swill the entire movie but you cannot deny the facts
    your blog is a pathetic liberal spouting shit
    you don't look for the facts behind your own holocaust heroes
    like your beloved DR. Neander who i already talked about on this blog

  13. Roberto Lucena said...

    """When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel (Eruvin 43b)""

    This phrase doesn't exist, another falsification of the Talmud."

    By a Jewish publication at that.,+all+will+be+slaves+to+Israel%22+(Eruvin+43b).%22&dq=%22when+the+Messiah+comes,+all+will+be+slaves+to+Israel%22+(Eruvin+43b).%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RBAuT-vxHcrb8gPrtq3_Dg&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA

  14. "The Black Rabbit of Inlé said...

    Roberto Lucena said...
    """When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel (Eruvin 43b)""

    This phrase doesn't exist, another falsification of the Talmud."
    By a Jewish publication at that.,+all+will+be+slaves+to+Israel%22+(Eruvin+43b).%22&dq=%22when+the+Messiah+comes,+all+will+be+slaves+to+Israel%22+(Eruvin+43b).%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RBAuT-vxHcrb8gPrtq3_Dg&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA"

    I've seen the link above but it has nothing, only the book "Judaism, Volume 32" by American Jewish Congress.

  15. No problem, I will repeat it again:

    You said the phrase "When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel" attributing it to "Eruvin 43b".

    But this link has got the PDF of real Eruvin:

    In the PDF of the real Eiruvin that phrase "When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves to Israel" doesn't exist.

  16. "funny how you claim the revisionists are looking for money
    when it is the holocaust writers who are the ones being given foundation after foundation museums grants from the us government"

    Raul Hilberg and many other historians have received grants from the U.S. government? Not my knowledge that he was rich and many other Holocaust historians. But Mr. Irving...

    "then you guys all fall into the liberal game of name calling"

    I'm not liberal.

    "watch the documentary 1/3 of the holocaust"

    Cesspit denierbud Product? No, thanks.

    "i know you guys will already hate it and spout liberal swill the entire movie but you cannot deny the facts"

    You have a real "obsession" with liberals.

  17. «watch the documentary 1/3 of the holocaust»


    Read this, punk.

  18. -off topic-

    I noticed that rodoh's currently down, and I read something by kentford9/lemmycaution saying that it was removed because of racism.

    I'm not sorry to see the trolls go, but I wanted to ask: are the references backed up somewhere? It would be a shame to lose the veritas team submissions, the translations of various documents and court verdicts, or all of Roberto's photos of sobibor.

  19. The VT/NT debate is on file. Publishing it requires Scott Smith's permission.
    The reference section is being reconstructed on the HC forum.
    My Sobibór photos can be viewed here.

  20. This "critique" will be obliterated soon, mainly by Carlo Mattogno.
    I can't wait :-)

  21. To our shock, my sister is one of the children Mattogno uses by name. Her cousins are also on one of his lists, but they truly perished. I finally had to write my book about
    my search for her for more than 50 years,“Walk Forward,”on, which I hope might uncover any additional accurate information. Check the trailer on YouTube at

  22. It's so very funny, not merely this epic but the comments from the herd.

    In all revisionist literature that I know of, nobody calls for the death of Jews (whatever a Jew is), nobody denies the encampment of Jews or even that people were killed. Certainly, no revisionist I know embraces a return of National Socialism either. And, not one of them resorts to calling names and seeking motives for the work people are doing.

    Rather, as you all are dragging Carlo Mattogno through the mill, you have yet to even address his main points, and Mr. Mattogno merely presents his work in a scholarly fashion, pretty damned good for an Italian writing in English I might add.

    The one "reason" revisionists conduct their work is to be sure we know the truth. Is that not enough of an agenda? It is the nature of this pragmatic society to improve as the need arises, and that what works best is true at the time. These revisionists are historians, like any other, and if they have agendasm they sure don't let on about them in their words or writings.

    For a person who did not live through the time many things do not add up and I will not state them here, but I am sure if you know this topic you understand what those things are. A person who wants to know the truth about those times furthermore, with just a little bit of research, encounters admissions on the part of the Jews themselves about earlier mistakes in death totals, and always those nic round numbers. There are real questions about what the world, led by the cause of the American and Russian Jews, was doing to Germany ever since WWI. There were in fact boycotts and declarations of war made by the Jews against an already beat down and bleeding Germany. There are real problems with census data on the Jews before 1930, and how this relates to their alleged losses in the camps. There is also that problem with what exactly counts as a Jew, and which Jews get counted dead twice, once for being a Slav and another for being a Jew.

    Add these little points, the attitude and "shove it down the people's throats" the people of the Shoah business prance around preaching every day, the complete lack of any physical evidence of any original gas chamber, the terrible misuse and abuse of the Germany language...well, let me stop now because I don't want this to be like the post to which I am responding.

    My point is this. For someone looking at this whole Holocaust-Revisionist dichotomy from an outside 3rd party view, it sure as hell looks to me like the Revisionists are on to something, and, being that it is on a big upswing thanks to work from (never mentioned) brave men like Mattogno and Zundel and now dozens more, it is beginning to shake the foundations and blind faith that has been chanting this same old tired mantra since 1913.

    The epitome of this ridiculousness and inanity is when you fools want to say still that all people are responsible for whatever happened in those camps. You don't need to read the Elders of Zion to know the continued agenda of Zionism. Just grab yo-self a copy of that big bad Talmud, read it carefully, and see the worst, most wretched piec of alleged "religious" literature ever put forth by mankind.

    PS: It is entirely possible to blame typhus and the blockades by the Allies for the death-by starvation bodies you see in those photos. Did you see the ones with the piano concerts and soccer games in those "death camps"?

  23. It's so very funny, not merely this epic but the comments from the herd.

    Says someone who would obviously like to see himself as some sort of rebel against what he calls the "herd", when actually he is but an obedient sheep in one of the most irrational and dogmatic herds on the planet.

    In all revisionist literature that I know of, nobody calls for the death of Jews (whatever a Jew is), nobody denies the encampment of Jews or even that people were killed. Certainly, no revisionist I know embraces a return of National Socialism either. And, not one of them resorts to calling names and seeking motives for the work people are doing.

    The poster doesn’t seem to have ever read revisionist literature in the proper sense of the term. "Revisionist" literature is another matter, and if he wants to see a name-calling "Revisionist" who embraces National Socialism, all he has to do is look up Friedrich Paul Berg’s website and Berg’s picturesque utterances on the RODOH forum (some of which are reproduced here).

    Is the poster referring to anything that was written in the critique, by the way?

    If so, what would that be, in what chapter(s) and on what page(s)?

    If not, what’s the point of his remark in the context of the critique supposed to be?

    Rather, as you all are dragging Carlo Mattogno through the mill, you have yet to even address his main points, and Mr. Mattogno merely presents his work in a scholarly fashion, pretty damned good for an Italian writing in English I might add.

    The critique and other HC publications had shown just how "scholarly" Mattogno’s "scholarship" is. He presents his nonsense in a manner that may look "scholarly" to suckers, for sure. Maybe that’s what the poster meant by "scholarly fashion".

    What "main points" made by Mr. Mattogno is the critique supposed to have not addressed?

    The one "reason" revisionists conduct their work is to be sure we know the truth. Is that not enough of an agenda? It is the nature of this pragmatic society to improve as the need arises, and that what works best is true at the time. These revisionists are historians, like any other, and if they have agendasm they sure don't let on about them in their words or writings.

    The above may be true for revisionists in the proper sense of the term. As to "Revisionists" of the Mattogno variety, who are obviously pursuing an ideological agenda, it's as true as it is true that I am Himmler’s grandson.

  24. For a person who did not live through the time many things do not add up and I will not state them here, but I am sure if you know this topic you understand what those things are.

    No I don’t. What are those "many things" that "do not add up" supposed to be?

    A person who wants to know the truth about those times furthermore, with just a little bit of research, encounters admissions on the part of the Jews themselves about earlier mistakes in death totals, and always those nic round numbers.

    I dare say that he who researches any major disaster in human history will encounter early mistakes in death total estimates and "nic round numbers", without this calling the essential historical facts of such disaster into question.

    As concerns the Nazi genocide of the Jews, what "earlier mistakes in death totals" is the poster referring to, and what "admissions" thereof by whom exactly? As far as I know the accepted order of magnitude of the genocide, somewhere between five and six million victims, is the same today as it was in 1945.

    There are real questions about what the world, led by the cause of the American and Russian Jews, was doing to Germany ever since WWI.

    Not that I expect the answer to reveal anything beyond the contents of the poster’s mind, but what exactly was "the world" doing to poor Germany "ever since WWI", what does the poster mean by "the cause of the American and Russian Jews", what evidence is there that there was such a "cause", and what evidence is there of any connection between said "cause" and what "the world" is supposed to have been doing to poor Germany "ever since WWI"?

    There were in fact boycotts and declarations of war made by the Jews against an already beat down and bleeding Germany.

    Let’s say that there were events and statements that Jew-hating apologists of Nazi Germany try to make look like "boycotts and declarations of war". See on this blog site’s forum the threads Jewish Declarations of War and Jews in German Culture and Society.

    There are real problems with census data on the Jews before 1930, and how this relates to their alleged losses in the camps.

    What "real problems" would those be, and what’s the evidence to such "real problems" supposed to be? Any problems beyond those mentioned and taken into consideration in, say, German statistician Richard Korherr’s reports for Himmler and Hitler about the "Final Solution of the European Jewish Question"?

    There is also that problem with what exactly counts as a Jew, and which Jews get counted dead twice, once for being a Slav and another for being a Jew.

    Not that I remember, but perhaps the poster can provide some substantiated examples of Jews who perished during World War II getting "counted dead twice".

  25. Add these little points, the attitude and "shove it down the people's throats" the people of the Shoah business prance around preaching every day,

    What "prancing" exactly by what "people of the Shoah business" exactly did the poster have in mind, and how exactly would such "prancing" be supposed to affect a historical record established over a period of decades by largely non-Jewish historians and mostly West German criminal investigators?

    the complete lack of any physical evidence of any original gas chamber,

    Would matter exactly what, if such physical evidence were actually lacking (which is not the case, see for instance this study)? I presume that the poster has no problem with accepting the fact of, say, Stalin’s Gulag labor camps. What physical evidence of any "original Gulag camp" can he refer me to?

    the terrible misuse and abuse of the Germany language

    Is unknown to me (unless, of course, the poster is referring to what Victor Klemperer called the Lingua Tertii Imperii. However, as a native speaker of the German language, I’ll be glad to discuss with the poster whatever supposed "misuse and abuse of the Germany language" he or she has in mind.

    ...well, let me stop now because I don't want this to be like the post to which I am responding

    After what I’ve seen of the poster’s writing, his or her refraining from the production of further rubbish comes across as the one reasonable aspect of his or her post.

    My point is this. For someone looking at this whole Holocaust-Revisionist dichotomy from an outside 3rd party view, it sure as hell looks to me like the Revisionists are on to something, and, being that it is on a big upswing thanks to work from (never mentioned) brave men like Mattogno and Zundel and now dozens more, it is beginning to shake the foundations and blind faith that has been chanting this same old tired mantra since 1913.

    What would someone with the poster’s obviously projected adherence to a certain blind faith and its old tired mantra know about an "outside 3rd party view" of the "dichotomy" between serious historical research and "Revisionist" propaganda?

    Nothing, I dare say.

    As to the poster’s "brave" heroes, they are certainly braver than the poster in that they at least put their names to the filth they produce, whereas the poster obviously prefers to hide in anonymity.

    The epitome of this ridiculousness and inanity is when you fools want to say still that all people are responsible for whatever happened in those camps.

    The name-calling is duly noted.

    Who exactly is the poster referring to by "all people", and who exactly is supposed to be claiming, where exactly, that "all people" are responsible for what happened in Nazi extermination camps, dual-purpose camps and "plain" concentration camps?

    It’s not like camps had been the only means whereby the Nazis carried out their genocide of the Jews, by the way. See here for a breakdown of Jewish deaths from Nazi persecution by causes of death.

  26. You don't need to read the Elders of Zion to know the continued agenda of Zionism.

    And I thought Zionism was about making or preserving a Jewish homeland in Palestine at the expense of the local Arabs ...

    I’ll give the poster the benefit of assuming that he genuinely believes the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are something other than a forgery produced by people of the poster’s persuasion.

    Just grab yo-self a copy of that big bad Talmud, read it carefully, and see the worst, most wretched piec of alleged "religious" literature ever put forth by mankind.

    The worst, most wretched piece of alleged "religious" writing, if you ask me, is any writing by a professedly Christian author that promotes the most unspeakably horrible notion ever engendered by human minds – the (un-biblical and un-Christian) notion of eternal damnation in "hell" (for those who don’t read German, an English-language discussion of "hell" is available here).

    But I’ll be glad to give the title of «worst, most wretched piece of alleged "religious" writing» to the "big bad Talmud" (which I haven’t read) if the poster can tell me where (preferably on the internet, and preferably without distortions or misrepresentations by people of his or her persuasion) I can find the text of the Talmud in a language accessible to me (German, English, Spanish or Portuguese – French and Italian will also do) – and if I should find said unspeakably horrible notion promoted therein.

    PS: It is entirely possible to blame typhus and the blockades by the Allies for the death-by starvation bodies you see in those photos

    Yeah, like it is entirely possible to blame Nazi Germany for the highly increased mortality in the Gulag camps in 1941, 1942 and 1943, due to food shortages brought on by Nazi Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union starting 22 June 1941.

    Just how did the "blockades by the Allies" affect poor Nazi Germany, by the way? As far as I know Nazi Germany managed to keep it’s citizens quite well-fed and healthy throughout most of the war, at the expense of those Slav "subhumans", mainly in the occupied Soviet territories (see the blog One might think that …, and on this blog site’s forum the threads The Fate of Soviet Prisoners of War, The Siege of Leningrad and The Nazi Hunger Plan for Occupied Soviet Territories).

    Did you see the ones with the piano concerts and soccer games in those "death camps"?

    No, but I’m aware that the staff of extermination and dual purpose camps – and at Auschwitz-Birkenau also certain privileged inmates – had access to certain commodities, including but not limited to piano concerts and soccer games.


    I hope the post here commented has not been written by the gentleman who posts on the RODOH forum as "Bernard". But if it should have been – congratulations! :-)

  27. Can we expect a response soon from HC to Mattognos' most recent 'refutation' of this excellent piece of research? I believe it was mid 2013 when he published his response, and I think its about time you made him cry again.

  28. Some refuting arguments have already been posted.

    The main refutation will take a while because MGK's 'response' was over 1500 pages long and was full of meandering garbage, so in Lipstadt's phrase MGK are trying to embroil us in a process of "nailing jelly to the wall."

  29. Lol, you have my sympathy in a way. All that time and effort you have spent on it so far, and all that you will spend in the coming months, and for what? So a couple of cranks can 'get off' on the knowledge that somebody is actually discussing their big fat steaming pile of elephant dung that they pass off for 'serious research'. Anyway, keep up the good work, it's not all in vain. Especially when there's people like me who find it quite amusing the way you take the piss in your articles lol !

  30. Finished the book recently and it was a solid 10/10. Nice work

  31. With regards to mass-graves, This paper has shown that there are mass-graves full of ash, primarily from Jewish people:

    They excavated the region to find the mass-graves (including burials of ash and non-burnt humans). DNA was extracted from bone fragments and analyzed. The results are that the vast majority of recovered bone material belongs to Jews, which further supports that Aktion Reinhard was aimed at exterminating Jews.

    (Please do forgive me if I misrepresented the procedure in any way, I'm not an expert in this field and just came across this paper)


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